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TW: blood, puke, Ron, slight homophobia, self-unalive baiting.

Things get serious.

(Third person)

He'd missed breakfast and he was late to class. Just great, he had muggle studies with Ronald freakin weasle-toes. The person he wanted to see least right now.

The professor was explaining how muggles used cars, bikes and other irrelevant vehicles to go from point A to point B. Harry already knew everything about what his professor was teaching so he opted to ignore the lesson entirely.

He felt like his insides were burning. He couldn't think straight.
His mind was elsewhere when Hermione, who sits next to him (since they share muggle studies with the same houses), tapped his shoulder.

"You look really pale today," Hermione whispered, "are you feeling all right Harry?"

"Not at all." Harry said, "I think someone switched my daily potion out for something different. ...I have a feeling I know who it was too." He glances at Ron from across the room. He was starting right back at Harry... expecting something to happen.

"Well I think you should go to Madam Pomfrey. She always helps." Hermione suggested, looking worriedly at Harry's sick expression.

"Uh- no way. She'll just give me the usual sleeping portion.. "
Harry clinched his arm around his stomach, and the other one covering his mouth.
"I think I'm gonna puke."

And with that he half ran, half tumbled out of the classroom without being excused.

For once, Harry stumbled into the boys bathroom.
He found the nearest toilet, leaned over it, and puked his guts out.
That's what it felt like anyway.

The inside of his throat felt like one million cats were scratching it. The pain was so blinding he couldn't see as tears swelled up in his eyes. He barley could catch a breath before puking again.
Before, there wasn't even anything in his stomach but acid and by now he's sure even that's been thrown up too.
In insides felt like they were on fire.

When he finally managed to stop, he opened his eyes, which were clenched shut before now; he saw that inside of the toilet was blood he'd tossed up.

"Ha! Look at loser Potter, the chosen one." A very annoying voice called out.

Harry scooched back and sat against the wall opposite of the stall he was just in only to be greeted with the wretched face of Ronald freakin Weasley smiling as if this was the best day of his life.

Oh joy.

"Hey ya Potter! How do you feel huh? I got that all in video you know. The disgusting, gay, freakish monster Harry Potter on tape." He smirked holding up a modern muggle lens camera.

Did Ron even know he was poking a bear?

Harry looked up with tears stained cheeks, mouth dripping blood from the sides, and daring eyes saying 'say something else. Take my last straw. I dare you'

And Ronald Weasley, the stupid idiot, did.
He took Harrys last straw.

He didn't even hesitate to say it, "I don't like you Harry. Not anymore. You're a stupid, useless, worthless, pile of dirt that people spit on. Its a surprise anyone's eyes can even bare to look at you." Ron stopped his muggle camera and put it in his pocket. "You're just a freak show, so just die. Dive off astronomy tower, maybe in your next life you'll be worth something." Ron spat at the ground next to Harry.

But... all Harry could do was giggle. With blood streaming down the side of his face, tears staining his cheeks and a craze look hidden not far beneath his eyes. He could only laugh at Ronald. His stupid foolishness is going to get him killed someday.

'Oh! What a wonderful idea' a shrill voice inside Harrys head said.
Ron was dead to Harry already, so Harry didn't see a a problem with what he was about to do.

Harry had a bit of of struggle standing up due to the fact he felt like he literally no longer had any guts.

He walked toward Ron and just as it seemed like he was gonna pass by him. Ron was stabbed in the gut with the very dagger Harry was gifted not so long ago.
Harry twisted the weapon making Ron cry out in agony.

And to Ronald, he whispered,
"You're a dead man walking Weasley."


Wow! Will Ron die from the poor stab to the gut? I'm sure wizards are taught healing spells.
Aren't they?
Or will he live?
Or perhaps maybe he'll die some other way...?

Find out next chapter.


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