Chapter thirteen: The world knows.

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TW: minor mentions of cutting and abuse
(Third person)

The outburst was all over the Daily Profit, someone said something and now everyone knows. Not even a full week after the re-sorting the front page of the daily profit had a muggle picture of Harrys relatives. He'd seen it tons of times before, Aunt Petunia kept it hanging in the living room meaning he wasn't in it.

The front page read,

Harry Potter: Abused?
Not to long ago parents of Hogwarts students started receiving owl's from their children. It is said that the first night at Hogwarts, after supposed re-sorting, Harry Potter got into a heated argument with his friend.
We contacted four students from different houses, who wished to remain anonymous, and asked them questions about the jaw dropping event:
"What happened? What's your version of the story?" Our interviewer asked a Gryffindor.
"Well I wasn't sitting too far away from them so I could hear their conversation before the yelling started. Weasley, one of Potters best friends... or, I thought he was. I'm not sure now. Anyways, Weasley was talking bad about a previous Gryffindor who was sorted into Ravenclaw and Potter tried to defend her. When Potter got up to leave Weasley started spewing a whole bunch of
personal information..."

"What did he say?" Our interviewer questioned.
"Uh... I don't really know if that is my place to say..."

"I'll tell you." The Slytherin student we brought in interjected, "Weasley said that Potter cuts himself. With a knife and hides it with a glamor charm. At first I thought it was a stupid, terrible, joke for attention but..."
"But what?"
"When Weasley called him a freak he froze. It was like he was remembering something, and the magic around him flared it was... disturbing... like he was trying to hold back his magic from lashing out. He didn't even care when the weasle started spewing his suspicions, Potter just told him not to call him a freak. It seemed like that was his only thought, the word 'freak' made him... flinch"

"Why do you think Weasley suddenly burst out in anger?" Our interviewer now asked a Ravenclaw.
"Well I haven't met Potter but I've met Ron. He had tons of Nargals floating around him and zooming through his ears."
"And what are Nargals exactly?"
"Oh, they're floating little magical creatures that make your brain all fuzzy, in some cases they can encourage you act on thoughts you've been having for a while. In Rons case, I think the Nargals finally got to him but I do think he should've kept quiet and asked Harry about his suspicions in private, angry or not. After dinner though some Nargals came up to me and told me he didn't do anything to himself, they said his family did it to him. Not much of a family if you ask me."

"And what do you think?" Our interviewer asked an angry Hufflepuff.
"What do I think? What do I think?! I think Ronald Weasley can just go f*** himself in the a**! Thats what I think!"

The interview stoped there due to some minor issues.
But a new question is born. The Ravenclaw said Potters family harmed him, we all know the sad fate of Mister Potters parents so who does he live with? Surely his magical guardian, Albus Dumbledore.
You'd be shocked to find out that Potter was indeed given to his muggle Aunt and Uncle by Dumbledore himself!
Who is responsible for young Harry Potters safety? Who inflicted Potters injuries? What terrible fate has Dumbledore laid upon the Boy-who-lived? Will Dumbledore send Harry Potter back to the Dursleys (his relatives) or will Potter suffer another year with the supposed abuser?

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