Chapter 10: Train Ride To Hogwarts

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Harry smiled as Hermione entered the train compartment. He had been having a pretty bad day but Hermione always seemed to find a way to make him smile. Even with just her presence.
'Bad day?' You might ask. Well yah thats how he would put it...

It all started with Ron. Of course. He had thought it would be the best idea to wake me up this morning by pouring a bucket of ice cold water on my head. It was probably the twins idea... but then again they could think of more annoying ways to wake people up.

Back to the story. Ron poured a bucket of water over Harry's head and he was up in an instant. He swiftly pulled out his dagger, shoved Ron against a wall, and threateningly pressed the knife against his throat in a matter of seconds.

Still in a state of panic he ignored Rons yelp and went straight into interrogation mode, "Who are you? What do you want?"

"It's me mate! Ron! It's me, Ron!" Ron squeaked in a high pitched voice.

"Oh!" Harry half yelled in surprise, blinking the water out of good eyes. "Sorry I went death mode on you there heh..."

"Why the bloody hell do you sleep with a knife?!"

"er..." he secretly put his dagger away and out of sight, 'play dumb Harry. Play. Dumb.'  "What knife?" 'Not that dumb!'

"You had a knife to my THROAT!?"

"I don't know what your talking about..."

After a second Rons extremely frightened face turned into a smile, then he started laughing. Ha!Laughing! Not sure what was going on Harry decided to laugh with him and see where it went.

"T-this will m-make a GREAT story t-time ahhaha- !" Ron said in between giggles.

In the end Ron told his whole family at breakfast and they all had a laugh, all except Molly who probably thought Harry'd grown mentally unstable and or paranoid.

And that brings us to now. Right now Hermione and Ron were getting back from the prefects compartments.

"Hey Herms!"

"Hello Harry... who might you be?" She questioned the blond girl in front of me politely.

"I'm Luna Lovegood, you must be Hermione Granger. Ginny has told me some about you. She says you're really smart."

Hermione blushed tomato red. Luna was a kind girl, Harry had gotten to know her a little bit while his other friends were away. Apparently she was one of Ginnys close friends.

Ron and Hermione sat across from each other. Hermione in between Neville and Luna and Ron in between Ginny and Harry.

"Mmm. You've got a fair amount of nargals invested in your head Ronald. You might need to get that checked" Luna said in her soft voice.



Soon the train was at Hogsmeed station and everyone got off.
Bla bla, thresterals, and bla bla, Looney Luna, all this boring stuff, eventually everyone got to the great hall. There was a pink toad looking lady standing next to Dumbledork, who was holding the sorting hat with a sad look on his face.

Lets just say...
Shit. Went. Down

This chapter was made in almost exactly one hour.

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