Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Chosen Magic

(3rd person)

"Who's that from?" Draco asked.

"Hermione, she said that the Weasleys and her are picking me up near the end of the summer." Harry said.

"Can't happen."

"What? Why not?"
That question was answered by a slight glare and a soft hand gesture around the room.
"Right then, what do I tell her?"

"Just... tell her you'll meet up with them at their house. You can go on the Knight bus." Draco answered, "Theres no way I'm letting that mudblood in this house."

"Hey! Don't call her that!" Harry defended slightly feeling obliged.

"And why not exactly?! It doesn't hurt you! Your not mud, she is!"

"She's my friend! You can't just call her that just because shes mu- being muggle-born doesn't mean anything! Magic is magic." Harry almost slipped up and called Hermione 'mud' thank god he didn't that would've been awkward. But it didn't go unnoticed by Draco.

"You- you were about to call her mud yourself weren't you." Draco taunted more like a fact than a question.

"No!" Harry shouted defensively.

"Yes, yes you were." Draco smirked, "you're only standing up for her because shes one of your only friends." He made a mock pouty face and used his finger to motion a single tear falling.

"It doesn't matter," Harry tried changing the subject, "magic is given. If your parents have magic of course your gonna have magic, but if they don't then magic itself chose that specific person to have magic! Honestly, muggle-borns deserve more credit for being chosen."

"...chosen?" Draco questioned uncertain of the opinion he was hearing, "magic chose them?"

"Yes! You were handed you magic from your parents, they were handed their magic from magic itself!" Harry finished exasperated looking for Draco's reaction.

"Chosen..." Draco smirked after a while, "well I do believe you slightly changed my opinion on mud- I mean, muggle-borns. Sightly."

Harry smiled. That was the fist time Draco had probably ever called muggle-borns by something other than a slur and Harry himself had witnessed it. Draco was telling the truth though, it made since, how else did they get their magic except from magic itself. He didn't think his opinion would change but sometimes opinions do change and when they do, those people the opinion belongs to change too. Slightly. Not a lot but sometimes it makes an improvement.

Harry was a good influence in public but inside his head he's sometimes thinking differently than his actions show. For example, the only reason Harry cared about Draco calling 'Mione 'mud' was because she was his friend, if it were anyone else he definitely wouldn't have cared or given it a second thought. Harry also would refer to some witches and wizards as 'mud' in his head while thinking to himself, it didn't bother him that he thought this way just as long as he didn't say it out loud.

Harry got out his quill and parchment and started writing back,


Do not come and pick me up, I will use the knight bus to get to the Weasleys house. I plan on arriving a week before school starts. Don't worry about me, see you then.

- Harry

He folded his letter, found an envelope and looked up at Draco, "do you have a wax and seal I can use." He asked.

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