Chapter twenty five: Unknown Mistakes

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(Third person)

"I like you. A lot."

"Oh really?!" Harry sarcastically shouted, "I had no clue!" He said as he placed both hands in his cheeks in fake shock.

"What the heck do you mean by that?!" Draco asked, genuinely befuddled.

"I mean we've gone on dates-"

"Not official..."

Harry pointed to a finger for each statement, "we've kissed, held hands, cuddled-"

"All of which good friends do!"

"Blaze thinks we're in a relationship, as well as three fourths of Hogwarts!"

Draco raised an eyebrow, "are you sure thr-"

"I'm absolutely sure Draco!"
Harry was about to burst with laughter at how confused Draco's faced looked. "I'm sure everyone is talking about us. People talk about me a lot thinking I won't ever notice, they think I don't, but really I'm just ignoring them."
He pinched the bridge if his nose as Draco started speaking nonsense again.

"Well that's charming, I didn't really notice people noticing me." Draco said in a sing song voice with a huge smirk plastered across his face.

"Yes, charming indeed."

"So Harry, darling, how long have you known all... this" Draco asked waving to nothing in particular.

Blushing, Harry said, "since we got back from our first date in Hogsmeade."

"It wasn't-"

"It was." Harry said with a 'and thats final' look.


"Are you sure we wont get caught?" Draco asked nervously.

"Yes! I'm sure so stop panicking!" Harry whisper-screamed back.

They were sitting on a blanket at the top of Astronomy tower.
Harry had set the whole thing up. There was a bottomless picnic basket he had packed next to them Harry had packed beforehand.
"Now we're on our second date!" He exclaimed and proudly shoved a treacle tart in his mouth.

"This is good sweets Harry" Draco said with a mouthful of pudding, "who made it?"

"Uh... the elves did?" He answered hesitantly, for some reason expecting a reaction Hermione would give.


"There's elves at Hogwarts?"

"Well who do you think makes our  food? People?"


The next morning was a Saturday. Tiered and drousy, Harry rolled out of bed slumping onto the floor.

He groaned in pain as he tiredly shuffled his blankets off him. He peeked a sleepy eye open to catch a glimpse of red hair leaving the dorm room.
He didn't care. Ronald freakin weasle-toes always ignored him since their last confrontation. Harry was happy do do the same; after all, why would he want to speak to Ron anyway?
(That was a rhetorical question needn't of an answer)

Harry stood up, about to get ready for the day when boom! He falls splat on his face.

'Right, I need my glasses to live apparently.' He thought to himself.

Once his glasses were on he looked around the room to see that it was empty. 'Good.'
Harry immediately went straight into his morning workout routine. It was a pretty small workout today considering what he normally does nowadays. Fifty sit-ups, push-ups, lunges (weighted), and pull-ups using the bar at the top of his four poster bed.

After finishing up, showering, and getting ready for the day. Harry made his way to his nightstand.
On it was a plain looking potion bottle labeled: nutrition.
He had to take one everyday thanks to the Dursley's starving him his whole life.

The potion helps him grow properly and faster, previous years he looked like a skeleton. Now he just looks hungry, slim, and slightly muscular in the arms.

Harry opened the bottle and took a big sniff expecting the amazing smell of mint. It wasn't there like normal unfortunately. Weird.

He took his nutrition potion in his right hand, his other hand holding his wand, and gulped all of it down.

"UGH! What the Merlin was that?!" Harry yelled scrunching his face up in utter disgust.
His tastebuds were on fire. It tasted absolutely revolting.

That was not the right potion.



I wanted to masher this chapter longer but I decided to break it up into two because I felt like it.

No fear though because thanks to writinggirllxx    this book now has a plot!!

They're so amazing for helping me out and I'm so thankful because future chapters wouldn't have been able to happen without their ideas.
So everyone remember them!

Thank you all for reading, this book now has OVER SIXTY THOUSAND READS. THANK YOU GUYS OMG.

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