Expect the unexpected (a/n)

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I'll post a real chapter soon.
(maybe tmr maybe in two days idk)

I feel like the power I hold over this story is excessive.
The words I write are crucial to to the story, the life that I am giving to these characters.
I tried to write beautifully at the beginning, the way i've seen others write. But normally I can't find the right word that I want to use to describe the situation.

My power, is that I could make anything happen. Anything you could think of. In a few words I could kill off a character in two words without any further notice.
see here: He died, She died, They died.

But i could also make it interesting:
..and they watched as the pale, lifeless body of ——- fell onto the ground, their dead eyes staring out at nothing.

Either way I could write another chapter and kill of one of your favorite characters, just because.

With no particular reason.

Another example of "power":
I had told everybody that I had smoot in my drafts and all of you believed me.
I could've been lying, just cause i felt like it.
I gave you all a options. Post or no.

Of course, I already knew what you were going to pick. (supply and demand)
So why bother?

I felt like holding it over your heads.
I wanted to all to know I had it, I wanted you to know it existed and that you might possibly be able to read it. (nerds)

So I didn't post it for a couple days.


I remember not knowing what to write one time, so I wrote a whole bunch of gibberish and all y'all ate it up.
Had nothin to do with the plot.

But I wrote it cause I can.

I can do whatever I want with these characters and that just makes me want to write more.

One time I remember thinking I wanted the readers to feel the emotion I was trying to convey, to really feel the tone I was trying to set.
I don't know if it worked though lmao.

Anyways, I just wanted to remind you I could kill anyone at anytime, thats all.

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