Chapter nineteen: Warm comfort

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TW: mentions of injuries

The Dursley's were right, always have been. I'm a monster.

My tears had stopped flowing when I was on the fifth floor and now I'm pacing in front of the RoR. The door appeared and I walked in.
I saw Draco sitting on the floor a couple feet away as he looked up at me. "Harry?"

I just stared numbly at him.
I'll speak with Draco and I'll make Umbridge wish she never came to Hogwarts. I'll kill her. I- I'll...

I'll make her wish she would die

(First person)

"You alright Harry?"

Harry stayed silent, walked towards me and sat down. His eyes looked deep and red, like he had been crying. Blankets and pillows magically appeared all around us along with a box of tissues.
I looked around confused before looking back at Harry.
Something was definitely wrong.
"Tell me."

Harry lifted his right hand silently and looked away from me.
He looked... scared?
I looked down at the back of his hand and gasped. It was all bloody and bruised, towards the middle I could read the words 'I must not tell lies' in his handwriting.

"Detention." Harry said barely below a whisper, answering my unasked question.
Raging anger started to fill my gut. Of course that pink Toad would do this to Harry simply for stating the truth. The Slytherins and the Gryffindors have the same DADA class so I was their when all the 'voldys back' thing happened.
I took some deep breaths and gently took Harry's hand into my own. He winced back a bit but all I did was loosen my gip a bit more.
"It... its gonna leave a scar..." I don't know why I was whispering, maybe if I was any louder I would've screamed.. "it wont be noticeable unless someone looks for it.." I tried to reassure him.

"You don't get it." Harry said pulling his hand away, "She made me use a blood quill, I did this to myself."
It sounded as if he would break down crying at any moment.

I took out my wand, planning on using a few healing spells but Harry stopped me.
"No," magically, a muggle first aid kit popped into the air, "use that instead."


"Because I... deserve it."

"You don't." I instantly said, "you don't but I will if you want me to.." I still had my wand out just in case he wanted to change his mind.

"I said no."

Well I won't do it if he doesn't want me to.

I opened the kit and took out some supplies. In Muggle Studies everyone was taught how to clean and bondage an injury the muggle way. It took a lot more time than it did with magic but at least I knew how to do it.

I quickly and quietly bandaged both his hands. Both of them were bloody and bruised for some reason, I didn't want to ask how they got that way though.

I look up at Harry when I finished only to panic a bit when I saw tears dripping down his face. He was still looking away from me. Did I hurt him?! Did I hold his hand too tight?! Was it something I said?! Was it something I didn't say?!
I couldn't form words as questions filled my head. So instead of saying anything I reached up and tilted Harry's head so he could look at me. I used my other hand to wipe his tears away. My efforts were useless because a second later a stream of tears rocketed out of his eyes, they were faster than the last ones and were constant. Oh no, what do I do?!
I started to internally panic again for not knowing how to cheer him up.
"Hey, hey, it'll be okay," I cupped his face in my hands, "I'll make it better. Okay? I'll make it better."
Those words I tried to comfort him with only seemed to make him break down worse, like no one's told him that before. Uh oh. What do I do?

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