Chapter 8: Slytherin

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in the yt vid they do a handshake called
"Star Catcher"💫
a little after the first 30sec. That'll be the 'handshake' they share later in the story.

(Draco's pov)

It was August fourth and Harry had decided that he wanted us to have a, and I quote, 'secret handshake'. Honestly! The muggle thing that muggle friends do! I tried explaining to him that we are not muggles but he insisted, so now we have this handshake that Harry thinks is pretty cool. I think it's crappy but Harry basically begged until I agreed to learn it.

I eventually got it right, and it felt cool, but anything muggle is uncool and I stand by that. I'm a Malfoy for Merlins sake.

I was sitting on my bed and looked over at Harry, he was wearing his normal nightwear, comfy black trousers and a deep wine red (muggle) sweatshirt. New of course. He picked out some clothes and Father made the house elves pick them up when he had first arrived here.

"You look lousy in red" I smirked sitting up.

"What an astute observation!" Harry exclaimed sarcastically rolling his eyes.

I raised my hands dramatically in surrender, "Just thinking out loud!"

"Well I guess red doesn't look as good on me as black does but I've never really cared, still don't" Harry mumbled looking down at his red sweatshirt. "You don't mind if I wear some of your better looking clothes do you?"

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, "As if you haven't been stealing from my closet on a weekly basis."

Harry blushed slightly for some reason and turned back to his Dark Arts book, "I'll take that as a no, you don't mind."

The next day was Monday and we had training, I couldn't help but notice how easily Harry put on a mask before we reached my father. Before, in my room, Harry was so relaxed and carefree, himself. As soon as we stepped into the hallway though he slipped on a face of confidence and boredom. I don't blame him though my dad is scary at times, even I put on a mask before visiting my Father. I guessed he noticed I did it and thought it would be best for him to do it too?

Anyway, I've been noticing the way Harry acts and I swear on Merlins hair  he should've been sorted into slytherin. He has all the right traits, cunning, determined, resourcefulness, ambition, and he's lived this long with the dark lord chasing after him most of his life so I'd say self-preservation would be on the list of traits too. Sure he's not that bright and that's probably what makes him so stupidly brave.

We were walking back into my room when I decided to bring this topic up.

"You'd do splendid in Slytherin y'know"

"Me?" It looked like Harry was thinking for a second, "Slytherin was the first house the sorting hat wanted me to be in. It said I'd do great things in Slytherin."

What?! I accidentally dropped all the books in my arms, letting them fall painfully onto my foot. "Oww!" I bounced up and down grabbing by foot while Harry sniggered. "You were supposed to be in Slytherin?!" I basically shouted restraining myself from pouncing on him for keeping this extremely important detail from me.

"Um. Yah?"

"So why weren't you sorted into Slytherin?! We would've been friends so long ago." I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Well... Ron kinda, maybe, convinced me that all Slytherins were bad, or... evil. So I begged the hat not to put me there and I ended up in Gryffindor..."

"So it's that Weasleys fault then" I said, saying the Weasleys name as if it were repulsive.

"Well you kind of, also, played a part when you made fun of the first friend I'd ever had" Harry smiled, apparently he thought this conversation was amusing.

I sat down on my bed staring seriously at Harry. "So your a Slytherin."

"I'm a Gryffi-,"

"You're a true Slytherin, hanging out with Gryffindors."


"End off conversation."

Harry grumbled something under his breath and waddled away to take a shower before bed.

'I can't believe I was right!' I thought happily to myself, 'Harry Potter, The boy who lived, the cHoSeN OnE was a bloody SLYTHERIN! Ha! After all this time...'

Okay that was that. Draco finds out Harrys true house was slytherin.

If you have any suggestions/ideas for this story for in between now and when Harry leaves Please comment and I might use them.

If I can't think of anything I'll hurry the story up and make them go to Hogwarts faster.

If you have any thoughts on how I could improve this story out would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading!
Much love. <3

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