Chapter seventeen: the Denial of Butterflies Existance.

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(First person)

Harry and I met up a couple times at the RoR to spar. I acted like absolutely nothing happened but I'd occasionally catch Harry looking at me in some sorta way. If I had to put a name on the look he was giving me it would be 'why-is-he-acting-like-nothing-happened-am-I-going-crazy'.
To be honest it's mostly because, normally, if I avoid the problem there is no problem to begin with.

Unfortunately, butterflies in my stomach is a major problem. And due to certain events I've discovered it's extremely hard to ignore major problems.

Take for example two days ago.
I had bumped into Harry in the dungeons on the way to potions class.
We didn't even speak, we literally only made eye contact for a second. After, My chest felt ah light and fluffy for the rest of the day!
I went to madam Pomfrey but when I told her about my sudden illness all she did was giggle and tell me to drink some water. Pft!

I'd gone to the library to do some research on it and apparently what I was presumed to have had was something called butterflies.
The book I found read this: It's a stomach flip that can only occur when you're very attracted to and enticed by another person. It's a nervousness that your partner makes you feel. The butterflies are due to a rush of dopamine that the brain releases on first falling in love. As science has shown, being in love is akin to being high on cocaine. (Thank you Google)

Now, I know that is not whatever I had. What I had may have been similar to a stomach flip but it certainly was not whatever that book said. Sure, I've already admitted that Harry Potter is a somewhat, impressively, attractive male, but that's simply an observation, it doesn't mean anything.

Plus, he's just a friend.

A very, very, good friend. I'd let absolutely nothing get in the way of that, not even if my plan did work.
Right, my plan... just because I wanted prove Harry's head over heals for me doesn't mean I like him as anything more than a friend. His hair's all messy! And it's dark like a ravens! And he's got good eyebrows, who has good eyebrows?! And his eyes, there so deep always drawing you in... why would I like that! I don't! Absolutely not!
He may have a somewhat attractive build and nice cheekbones... and that smile... but I would never be attracted to anyone but the guy I see when looking in a mirror! That would be me. I'd only ever be attracted to myself, I'd never let something as silly as emotions get in the way of my growth.

I don't even like boys.

I like women.


Don't I?

AHHH! It feels like forever but in reality 'twas five days ago I posted my last chapter!
But here ya go! A Draco point of view!
Yes! He's still in denial! But I'd reread a couple of my chapters to see if I was missing anything and I found out Draco had already admitted he liked Harry. So now he's questioning himself, a relationship with another guy is something he'd never considered before.

Well I hope you enjoyed!
Peace out my loves! <3

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