Daily Profit

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TW: mentions of: self-unaliving, blood, disfiguration.

(Third person)

It was a Saturday afternoon and Draco was just waking up. Unfortunately, he slept in past breakfast so there was no point in really leaving his room.

He turned to look at his desk to see that his copy of the Daily Prophet has already been delivered by his owl.

He looked at the headline.

Hogwarts Terror!

What was that supposed to mean?
He glanced through the front page article before freezing at the halfway point.
"...Weasley jumped off astronomy tower..."
You gotta be kidding me.
Draco looked back up to the top of the page and started reading more thoroughly this time.

Hogwarts Terror!
Written by Mary Hopper

An unbelievable event occurred Saturday morning at Hogwarts Castle of Witchcraft and wizardry.
At around 2:30 in the morning, a young student's body was found at the bottom of astronomy tower.

Many Witches and Wizards are now speculating the truth behind what happened that night, the ministry however said, "...therefore we are no longer looking into the situation. We've been told what happened, knowing the boys past actions and behavior gives us reason not to look further..." (Prime Minister, 9:34am).

The boys body was found at 6:41 this morning outside in the dewy morning by a first year boy. We were told that the boy screamed out of shock and fright, causing other students to run towards the commotion. There was a considerable amount of children surrounding the lifeless, pale, bloodied body that had been alive merely five hours before.
A sixth year said the body looked tangled, laying face up, eyes wide and empty. The right arm, broken, behind the boys back, and his legs in unnatural angles. Blood still, unmoving, surrounding the boys head and upper body after hours of seeping out of the boys smashed skull. He would've been unrecognizable if not for the red hair and freckles.

Because of the noise the children were making, the screams, the staff walked up to see what was going on.

Professor Minerva McGonagall was the first adult to see the dead boy, who was previously apart of Gryffindor house.

Eventually all the students were told to back away and go to their dorms while the adults (more had shown up at this point) handled the situation.

The proper authorities were contacted and sent out learn what had happened. According to what we were told here, at the daily prophet, Ronald Weasley jumped off of astronomy tower. The very same boy that was belittling Harry Potter earlier this year.
We were told by students he was close to that Ronald Weasley never suggested he'd ever do something so unpredictable.
We were told that not even a hint, such as a mournful goodbye, was given.

The family is currently unavailable for comment.
That's all we are allowed to share about what happened at this time.

Although, we were able to interview students while the ministry was having their meeting. We were told that we could only ask the kids one question, and not to push for answers. It's the same kids as before, all in different houses, let's listen to their input.

"Why do you think Weasley committed suic!de?" Our interviewer, Jane, asked.

"I don' know." The Gryffindor shrugged.

"He must've been sad." The Ravenclaw answered, "All year whenever I passed him in the halls he had an angry look on his face."

"Weasley became a bully. He probably couldn't live with himself." The Slytherin said.

Lastly, the Hufflepuff sighed mournfully and said, "I agree with (REDACTED), he must've been sad or something."

And that's all for today Witches and Wizards, what bad news will Hogwarts bring us next time. Follow the Daily Prophet and to tune in, well, Daily!

The world seemed so quiet. Draco could hear himself breathing.
It was as if the world turned up the sound, while at the same time turning off all the background noise.

Unbelievable. That's what this new information was.
Completely unbelievable.

Draco couldn't help but think of Fred and George. Of course Ron Weasley bothered him but that didn't mean he wanted any of this to happen. Some of his only true friends most likely being in terrible  pain was not what he wanted. They must be overwhelmed and shocked by the loss of their sibling. What did they think of the situation though? Did they know if Ron was upset about something? And why hadn't Ron done anything like saying his goodbyes? He didn't seem suicidal so... why?

After long moments of stunned silence Draco's thoughts were interrupted by a hoot.
He looked to his left and saw his grey owl looking at him expectantly.

Draco looked down and saw an envelope tied to the owls legs.
A grabbed it and turned it over.
It was from his Father. 

Mary Hopper and Jane are oc's I made up on the spot.

writinggirllxx might already know this because they gave the me the amazing idea(credits to them).
But shits about to go down.


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