Chapter Thirty: Arguments are pointless

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im so sorry for not updating in a while. 
pls forgive me :(
TW: argument. mentions of murder, death, etc. angst?

(third person)

Draco could not believe his ears. Maybe he was dreaming? If he was its the worst dream he's ever had to be apart of. I wouldn't call it a dream then, y'know, since its horrifying.
I would call it a nightmare.
Not to his surprise, after pinching himself for a sufficient amount of time he came to the conclusion that he was not, in fact, having a nightmare.

Draco stood with his mouth agape as Harry Potter, the chosen one, was trying to calm himself down.
It was a strange sight from Dracos perspective. You see, Draco himself had never killed anyone. He was terrified at the very thought of him being the reason that someone's life was over. He would never dare show his fear though, that was forbidden in his household. Fear is a weakness, and weaknesses are not tolerated.

Harry was wiping his tears away as he struggled to wipe the crazed smile off his face.
To an outsider Harry looked deranged, mental. Who would laugh at something so serious?
That's just the way it was though, instead of crying or feeling some sort of sadness, harry tended to laugh instead. He absolutely hated it. He knew it was wrong but he couldn't stop himself. He tries to stop, honest! He really does try!

He hates it when people stare at him with horror.
Just like Draco was doing now.
The look on Dracos face said a lot, mostly betrayal and hurt (although I wouldn't understand why he would have to feel those things. In fact Draco is acting a bit hypocritical.) but most of all, he felt lied to.

Draco quickly closed his mouth, grabbed a wooden chair and sat directly in front of his boyfriend. "Explain." he said with his eyebrows were scrunched together and his arms crossed.

"I thought what I said before was enough-"

"well is wasn't" Draco snapped leaning forward in his chair. "I don't think you understand me clearly. I want you to tell me why. Go."

"well I didn't do it on purpose!" Harry got defensive and crossed his own arms as well.

Here you can tell Harry is lying.
He did kill Ronald on purpose and he has no intentions of regretting his choice anytime soon.

"oh great!" Draco said with mock joy, "we'll just tell the Ministry of Magic it was a honest mistake, an accident! Lets see how that go's when we're in court explaining your case!"

Draco is using sarcasm during this moment, for those of you whom have not connected the dots yet.

"I'm not going to be in trouble!"

"You think they wont find out? Are you mental?!"

"Why do you care anyway?! You're the one who wants to be a bloody deatheater!"

Draco stood up and threw his arm in the air, "you are a murderer! How am I the villain here?!"

"Deatheaters are terrorist, serial killers, the definition of evil! They serve Voldemort in all his so called 'glory.'"

Draco turned around and started pacing again, rubbing his temples.


Who was he kidding. Its not gonna matter anyway, Deatheaters were already infiltrating the Ministry, soon they'd have full control.
Plus, he's going to be the reason for Harrys death so why should he get on the Harry for having killed his former best friend?

He has to bring Harry to Voldemort.

After a while Draco stopped pacing and looked thoughtfully at Harry. The best thing to do at the moment was to drift away from Harry. That way it'll be easier when he dies. He'll have to stop looking into Harrys emerald green eyes. Stop looking at his cute messy hair, his pearly white teeth, and his full, pink lips...

Crap he was caught staring!
Draco turned his head away immediately and went to sit in his bed like nothing happened. But the flush on his cheeks speaks volumes.

Harry noticed all if this and decided to take advantage. He walked toward Draco, also blushing.

"I saw that." Harry said grabbing Dracos wrist and pulling him to the edge of the bed where he was standing.

"saw what.." Draco grumbled not daring to look at Harry in that moment.

"You." Harry smiled as he pushed Dracos shoulders back on the bed and climbed on top of Draco.

At this point both of their faces were red as a tomato.

"I wasn't lookin-"

Harry shut him up with a peck on the lips.

...less like a peck, more like a full make out session.

yes it ends there.

also im so sorry for not updating in a LONG time—
apparently vacation is the only time i have time (not rly, but the only time i get bored enough to actually sit down and write a chapter.)
i might post more this week idk(don't get ur hopes up tho💀)

also ik y'all asked for fluff but my thumbs just slip and oops!
hope it wasn't too bad.
thanks sm for reading! <3

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