Chapter Thirty Three: What a Beutiful Day

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tw: mommy

Draco woke up later that day sprawled out on Harrys bed, limbs intertwined. It was a quarter past eleven and they had both skipped breakfast.
He got up and ready for the day, he put on some of his casual robes for today's activities, for today they were both going to venture out into the wizarding world.

Dracos wanted to collect all the things they would need before executing his plan of action. If course Harry knew nothing of it yet, he didn't even know they were going to leave the house that day. Which is why you could understand Harrys confusion when Draco pounced on top of him and starting shaking his shoulders saying, "HARRY, HARRY, WAKE UP! We're late for our quest! We must get going!"

"AHAGG!" Harry started sitting up straight, "What! What do you want!"

"Get dressed four-eyes, we're leaving for Diagon Ally pronto." Draco said with a wink throwing a bundle of cloths at Harry.

Draco seemed to be in a cheerful mood, if Harry didn't notice that he might as well have been a log.

"Master, where is it you are going?" Blankie said as soon as Draco took the blanket the cover of the snakes terrarium off.

"I don't know, the ferret told me to get ready... so I am." Harry replied in parseltongue instantly.

Dracos head quickly turned away from what he was doing and towards Harry, "Whats he saying?" He didn't like not being able to understand them.

"So you do whatever he says now, Master? That's not surprising..." Before then, Harry didn't know that a snake could mock someone so effortlessly.

"You're one to talk," Harry hissed back, "didn't I tell you to call me Harry"

"Please tell me what you guys are saying." Draco begged bouncing up and down, watching them intensely.

"Yesss. As you may have noticed, Master, I didn't listen..." Blankie left it at that and recoiled back into himself leaving Harry with his jaw hanging open and his eyebrows raised.

"Whatever, It's time to go anyway." Draco said swiftly walking over to Harry and pecking his cheek. "Lets go."


Harry was skipping and twirling around behind Draco as they made their way to wherever it was they were going. Harry was still in the dark about what they were doing but his mood had completely changed from what it was the other day.

He wasn't bugging Draco about anything in particular, instead, he was enjoying a day without noise.
Noises in his head that is.

It's been a problem ever since the astronomy tower incident.
Maybe even before that, he couldn't tell anymore.
But today was the first day in a while since he's had absolutely no voices.
So obviously he was in a good mood.

Harry followed Draco as he entered into a shop called 'Luggage and Locks'.
The outside of the shop looked small and run down, moss was growing on the walls and the wood looked like it was rotting.

When they entered the shop looked significantly larger (this wasn't an uncommon occurrence in the wizarding world).
All around the were expensive looking, wooden suitcases, bags, and on the back there were the names of several different spells.

"What are we doing here?" Harry asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

Draco was looking at several different cases and reading the labels that came with them. "I'm gonna buy something."

"Oh really? I wouldn't've guessed." Harry said rolling his eyes.

"Relax you git." Draco placed one suitcase down and looked at another, "Can you get us some Firewhiskey while I do this? Thanks.."
Draco didn't even glance up from what he was doing.

Harry scoffed, his mood wasn't ruined though, he was still as cheery as a dandelion.

He walked across the street into a sketchy looking bar. "Two Butterbeers please." he kindly asked the worker.
Honestly they probably would've given him the Firewhisky if he asked but he feel like bothering.

He sat down at a stool and waited for the drinks.

The bar was dirty and was lit only
by soft fire coming from lamps.
All the wood looked damp and it seemed as if the shadows were moving.
Nervousness suddenly wrapped itself around Harry and wouldn't let go.
He started fidgeting with the sleeves of his robes and biting inside of his cheek.

The other people in the bar were quiet so it wasn't hard picking up on the conversations around him. One that caught his attention was occurring at the table behind him.

"-sacrifices are rare. Not many people have the courage to follow through." a woman was saying.

"Yes you are right, it is uncommon now, yet it is not something that can not be done. We have the tools, all we need is the boy-" a raspy male voice said.

"I was not implying that it couldn't be done." the woman interrupted, "I was just pointing out the fact that if we succeed at our task, the ministry will notice the use of dark magic."

Harry shifted in his seat uncomfortably, the topic was not one he was extremely fond of, he also thought that me might recognize one of the voices.

"Since when have you of all people been worried about the ministry?"

"I'm not worried." The woman sounded frustrated now "I was stating a fact... stop putting hidden meaning behind my words. It makes you seem inferior."

"I'll have you know, a woman ought to treat a man w-"
Harry heard a chocking sound and he tried not to imagine what was happening, he needed to mind his business and leave as quickly as possible.

"A woman should what?" the choking stopped as suddenly as it started.

"The Dark Lord wouldn't appreciate it if all of his servants started murdering each other eh, Bella."

Harry's breath caught in his throat.

He lived with one, so you'd think he'd be used to the presence of these foul people.

He knew if they saw his face, his scar...
If they recognized him he would be takin to the dark Lord and killed.

He abruptly stood, making a loud noise as his stool fell to the ground.
He flinched.
He could hear his heart pounding in his ears.

Harry looked back at the table behind him feeling his blood run cold as he made eye contact with Bellateix Lestrange.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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