Chapter Thirty One: Depressing Thoughts

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TW: sad. sorry but like, no dialogue.
it made me cry though so.. y'know.

(Third person)
The next day Draco seemed distant. As if there was a wall put in between them.
Anytime Harry tried to speak to Draco or spend time with him, all he would receive in response would be a mumbled, short answer.

Harry wasn't even a second thought in Dracos mind it seemed. Harry could spend a whole day in the same room as his so called boyfriend and yet still feel so alone. Harry imagined himself stranded on a small, abandoned, island. No where to go. Nothing to do.

It was as if the silence grew a voice and was wrapping itself around Harry. All he could hear were his thoughts, were they his thoughts?

Its been like that recently.
Him not being able to differentiate between what thoughts are truly his versus which that aren't.
Sometimes though, they can provide comfort, like now. Harry was sitting on his side of the room, lips sealed tight.

He was staring over at Draco through his dark bangs. His hair was longer than usual, but still messy.

He watched, twirling his dagger in his hands, as Draco read his potions book.

He's noticed many things since Draco had opened the book about two monotonous hours ago.

His hands. Draco's hands were as pale as his face. His fingers were full of rings and looked smooth as silk. Harry could sense that they were soft, as they had been many times before.

His Hair was combed through neatly. Because of his tipped head, his white hair shined as it fell over the front of his face. Like a glow, his beauty constantly attracts Harry.
Harry sometimes felt a bit overwhelmed by how beautiful Draco could be sometimes. Especially when he looks up at Harry with that cute smile...

But what really garnered his attention was the fact that, despite the long hours, Draco had not turned a single page.

There was a time when Draco would tell Harry everything. From what he ate for breakfast to what he was thinking about the night before. It was obvious Draco had something on his mind, for Harry wasn't a complete idiot.

Maybe it had to do with Ron. What had happened to him.
About what Harry had done to Ron. About maybe how he knew that Harry had felt no guilt.
He knew because Harry had shared those thoughts with him.

So maybe that is why Harry was angry, why he was infuriated.
Because Harry shared every last thought of his with Draco. So why, all the sudden, was Draco not speaking to him. Talking to him about all the thoughts prancing around in that not so empty head of his.

So, Harry just sat there.

Not saying a word.

He was furious.


All Draco could think about was Harry.
His name, his glorious face, his beautiful voice, his cute cheeks, his messy hair, his lovely eyes.

And oh how he wish he could share all his feelings with Harry. How he wished he could wrap his arms around Harrys beautiful body. Though he couldn't, he truly wished he could spill every thought of his onto a platter and serve it to Harry, for ever since he realized he might not have Harry soon...

How he might die.
Ever since that realization, all he could think about was how much he loved Harry. His eyebrows, his smile, his eyes, his teeth, his fingers.
He could think of a million things about Harry that he loved and he'd still have more to say.

Yet the truth still tugged at his chest.
The fact that he would have to give him up to Voldemort.

That was his conflict.

He loved Harry too much.
He couldn't knowingly let him die. Draco would rather see himself hurt than a let wand with evil intentions be pointed in Harrys direction.
But what could he do?

Lord Voldemort.

What could he do?
No, there had to be something.
Why else would fate allow him to fall in love if it would all be for nothing?
Voldemort would easily find them if they ran away. He had Death Eaters crawling around everywhere. It's a childish thought in the first place.

...but what if it worked. What if they turned into animagus. It would be much harder for them to be tracked down. Still, turning into an animagus would take time, something they did not have.

If they left they country... that could work...
Voldemort isn't concerned about other places as much and Draco and Harry both knew several languages.

France sounded pleasant.
Maybe someplace in Asia, where they could live together far away from Lord Voldemort.
Somewhere where they can grow old together, free from the magic barriers.
Maybe even, as much as he hates to say it, among the muggles.
Anywhere but here.

Because here is where Harry may die.
So Draco swore to himself,
'If Harry is to die due to my negligence pertaining to his safety, then die so shall I.'

geez guys... i think its been a couple months... sry bout that.
....happy 2023!
(i say when it's almost feb.)

Anyways, Harry fell first but Draco fell harder.

Below is what i originally had planned for this chapter. I kinda skewed off corse, as per usual.

from last ch.—->
draco pov.
he notices harry is.. happy(show emotion,dont tell iykwim). not a worry on his mind. lots of things on dracos mind. he has to listen to the dark lord.. right? he has to do this. but what if theres another way? he goes over what he can do about the situation in his head whilw pacing. dracos kinda rude-ish. Harry notices but doesnt say anthing. askes about what they talked about, Blankie says "liar" sometime durinf harry and dracos convo. draco keeps avoiding harry and his stupid questions.

For draco, more he distances himself, the easier harry death will be. he should'nt have even gotten close to the prick in the first place.apr6.2022

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