Chapter 12: No one Likes a little weasel

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TW: mentions of cutting, Lots of cursing, Ron, Short chapter.

(First person)
I was siting in my bed, jaw dropped, who did he think he was? First he basically tells the whole school I cut myself, which is false, he calls me a freak, repetitively, and now, that SAME night he thinks he's redeemable?!

Ronald Weasley was standing next to my bed fidgeting.
"-I really hope you can understand, I didn't mean to hurt..."

"Lemme stop you right there." I said interrupting him, standing up.

Dean, Seamus, and Neville were all watching nervously from their beds. They and most of Gryffindor had been really angry with Ron, I mean of course they were he was openly being a git.

"The last thing I want is an apology from you. We all have witnessed whatever comes out of your mouth is utter bullshit so don't come prancing up to me asking for my forgiveness, 'cause your never getting it." Oooh I was PISSED!

"Bull-?Ha! You're saying that I was wrong but I wasn't!" He crossed his arms defensively, "that knife you've got, I've seen it-!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP RON!" I pulled off my shirt revealing my scars, I heard the other boys gasp. "LOOK AT ME!" I could feel the tears in my eyes swelling up. "YOU THINK I DID THIS TO MYSELF! I DID THIS YAH?!"

I turned around so he could see them, I knew he hadn't seen all of my scars before so I made sure he got a good look this time, "DO YOU SEE THE ONES ON MY BACK RON?! HOW would I WRITE on my BACK!" I turned around facing him again. I tried to stop it but tears wouldn't stop flowing down my face.


"I didn't..."

My voice grew low and threatening, "you didn't what Ron, know? You knew enough, you knew they put bars on my windows, you and the twins saved my from them yet at the end of the year you sent me back. You knew they were starving me but what did you do, NOTHING!" I slumped back down on my bed not even trying to stop the tears not and looked at the ground. "You're whole family knew they starved me and the only people who did anything were Fred and George. They sent me food and constantly checked up on me... you did nothing."

I picked up my night clothes and headed towards the boys bathrooms.

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