Chapter sixteen: Fight!

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TW: mentions of a certain weasel, cringe fight scene, kinda short chapter, knifes, and butterflies.
(Third person)

Draco followed Harry throughout the halls. He stayed silent the whole time. Eventually they made it to the Room of Requirement. Draco watched as the magical door appeared after Harry paced three times in front of it.

He scampered in quietly and watched as Harry pulled out his dagger. "So..." he said hesitantly, eyeing the sharp knife.

Harry looked at Draco calmly.
"Let's fight."

Immediately Draco had to doge the knife that was hurling at his face. Harry ran up to Draco and began fighting him on the offensive mode.

Draco had a hard time defending himself, only getting a few swings at Harry.
He quickly ducked a kick coming towards good right side and twisted around and grabbed Harrys arm. He swiftly flipped the boy over his shoulders resulting in a grunt from Harry as he quickly recovered and stood up.

Draco got back in defensive formation as Harry reached behind himself and pulled his dagger out of the rooms wall.

Dracos eyes widened as Harry repeatedly kept trying to stab him in the eye, missing every time only by an inch.
"Whoa!" He stumbled and fell on his but when he tried to steer away from Harrys kick.
'Darn it Merlin! I need a knife like his!' Draco thought desperately as Harry approached him.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a long, sharp, dagger appeared next to him. He grabbed it just in time to block Harrys attack.

There were lots of clinging as their sharp knives clanged against the others. Eventually Harry blocked one of Draco's more deadly attacks (an attempted jab at his lungs) right before pushing him against a wall, his dagger steadily poking Draco's chest.

(First person)

I gasped as I felt the knife Harry was gifted poking me in the chest. I looked up and met Harrys eyes. We were both breathing heavily, he was about to say something when I immediately twisted his wrist, making him drop his weapon, and kicked under his feet making him fall into his back, undoubtedly also knocking the wind out of him.
Without hesitation I straddled his hips and pinned both of his arms above his head with one hand while threatening him by placing the sharp weapon I was holding in my other hand on his neck.
"I win." I said managing to breath out.
We were both sweating a bit and panting heavily.

"And what in Merlins bloody name was that?!" I asked as soon as I caught my breath. "One second I'm just standing there the next I'm having to dodge a psychopaths attempts to kill me!"

Harry seemed to relax a bit, he rested his head on the floor as he began speaking, "I- I just.. missed it. Dueling, I mean."

"You looked terrifying!" I said as I raised my eyebrows in disbelief.

"...I guess I also needed to vent. Ron's really been getting on my nerves."

"Cool, cool. Vent. Right. That explains it. Y'know, the whole trying to kill me thing" I said with a overdramatic and sarcastic shrug.

He sent a playful glare at me as I continued to speak, "anyway, you always need to watch your legs in a fight. Anyone would be able to knock you to the ground just as easily as I did."

"Yah, about that..." I looked down at him confused as a mega blush covered his features. "Can you get off me now?"

I stilled as I realized the position we were in. I was about to get off when I felt a shift in Harrys trousers. I smirked and looked Harry directly in the eye, "What if I don't want to get off?"

If it were possible Harrys face grew even redder.
I tightened my grip on his wrists with one hand and with the other I let my dagger gently dance around his neck.
I could feel Harry shiver as I leaned in next to his ear and whispered, "but if you really want me to, I guess... I'll get up."

I stood up backing two steps away from him and smirked as I watched Harry try and recompose himself after my little tease.
"We'll meet here to train every other day." I said as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. Leaving Harry to think over what just happened, I walked out of the RoR with a new plan.

'I'll make him fall on his knees for me'


AGGGGGHH! CRING FIGHT SCENE! I'm SO bad a writing fights but there ya go.
I been tryna write this for a while, I'm so sorry it's such a sort chapter.

Also, I wasn't planning on writing the 'fall on his knees for me' part, i was just gonna write 'make him fall for me' but I figured the latter was better.

Ty all so much for reading!
Ily! <3

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