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(Third person)

The room was large and mostly empty. On the opposite side of the room from the doorway sat a large cabinet. To Harry and Draco's left sat a desk with small stacks of paper. In the middle of the room Lucius Malfoy was standing straight holding his black cane, the one with the snake head, in front of him.

Other than the desk, cabinet, and Lucius the room was empty and had a lot of space.

Harry had stepped into the room behind Draco and was now looking at Lucius for instruction.

"Today you will learn correct form on how to correctly workout, attack with and hold a dagger, and we will be trying break you from the habits your 'family' has caused you. Starting with an example of what you should look like when doing your exercise. Draco,  you will help Potter with his form while training. I will be telling you both what to do, is that understood." Lucius has not moved from his spot and was glaring intensity at the boys.

"Yes sir!" Harry and Draco said together.

"Right then. We will start with warm ups, begin." Lucius took a step back.

Draco turned to Harry obviously already knowing what to do, "we're practicing you're push-ups until you get them correct, then we'll move on to other stuff like sit-ups, and pull-ups and so on." He explained with a bored face.

Not to long later Harry was getting criticized on his form by both Malfoys. Draco showed Harry how to do everything properly many times already but Harry couldn't get it right.

"That's pathetic!"
"Start over."
"He really is trembling huh."
"Its like he wants to be here all day."
"No. You're doing it wrong again."
"I've got things to do Potter."

After what felt like forever Harry finally got twenty pushups done in the correct-ish form. It was really only forty minutes in reality.

"Now let's do sit-ups ups and pull-ups."

"Nooo!" Harry whined.

Harry did better with his his sit-ups only getting a few bad remarks this time. Then it was time for pull-ups.

"So how am I gonna- ?"
Harry's question was silently answered  by Lucius conjuring a floating bar above His head.

Looking up Harry sighed. Great. He still has to do that dagger stuff too. He assumed the dagger lesson would be taught by Lucius which didn't lift good spirits. 'Oh boy, a Death Eater teaching the boy who lived about knives, brilliant.' Harry thought to himself.

Once Draco was done showing Harry how to freaking pull-up on the bar, which was pretty self explanatory, Harry reached up grabbed on to the bar and was lifted of the ground about a foot higher into the air. "Whoa!"

"Hurry up, I don't think you could go any slower." Draco said rolling his eyes. "Its not that hard to do. Just pull yourself up. Simple."

"You make it look a lot easier than it is." Harry snapped back trying to pull himself up, failing miserably.

"How about you just do one." Lucius offered.

"What?!" Harry questioned. "I mean alright. Just one then."

Harry finally managed to get his chin a tiny bit above the bar and he looked back down expecting the bar to lower.

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