Chapter Twenty Four: They're... dating?

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TW: depressing thoughts, kinda short chapter sry!

(Third person)
It's been a week. Somehow Lucius managed to get the toad out of Hogwarts. Draco had send a letter to his father explaining the situation. Quite frankly, Lucius did an over the top, great job of disposing her.

You might be thinking 'oh my god she's dead?!' 
No, sadly, she's not dead.

Because Lucius has great contacts in the ministry, he immediately set a meeting to talk about Umbridge.
The next day the pink toad was called into trial. Charges against her were, child abuse, illegal use of a blood quill, theft, use of dark magic, and unpremeditated murder. No one knew how or when that last one even happened but it somehow showed up as one of her charges.
It wasn't really a shocker though.

She was put in Azkaban with a sentence of eighty nine years.

But even days after the trial, Harry felt like her presence was still hanging around, suffocating him. It's because Umbridge was gone, but not the mark she left behind.
Not the scars.

Every time Harry looked at his hand he could see the faint scar that spelled out the words, 'I must not tell lies.'
He would feel so helpless, so useless.

Draco would notice every time this happened and realized it was going to take a lot more than the expulsion of Umbridge to help Harry overcome even a fraction if his trama.
Because everything seemed to remind Harry of the years events, Draco tried his best to distract Harry when he could.

Their friendship was openly known at Hogwarts(they're terribly bad at keeping secrets.) some students've even caught them flirting.
Of course, they don't know this; they're stupid.

One snowy day, in the middle of November, the two boys were walking together in Hogsmeade. A couple of onlookers from school were whispering amongst themselves wondering if they were finally in a date or not. Harry heard some of these assumptions and decided it was best course of action to tease Draco.

He's known Draco's liked him for a while, and he likes Draco.
But one of the two are constantly in denial while at the same time, constantly flirting.
(Hint: not Harry)

Harry looked over to Draco, who was walking next to him, "is this a date?"

Draco choked on air at the completely out of pocket question.
No matter, Harry didn't care, "I mean, we're out. At Hogsmeade. Together. Again. Why not call it a date."

"Why so bloody casual?!" Draco exclaimed. "If we were on a date I'd sure make it more pleasant than this! We're just walking around."

Harry smirked, "so why don't you make it more pleasant?"

"Because we're not on a date!"



"I said your zipper's down."
On instinct, Draco looked down to check and Harry corn-doged him for having so much audacity.

"We're on a date because I said so, c'mon let's go."

Upon entering Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, the two boys weren't expecting so much pink.
Pink tables.
Pink chairs.
Pink teapots.
Pink pastries.
Pink everything.
Its safe to say both Harry and Draco hate pink.
So they left 29.01 seconds after entering.

Draco started talking to get Harrys mind off some bad thoughts.
"We could head to a joke shop? I heard the Fred and George were handing out free samples of their best stuff behind the building, although after last time I don't trust them.."

"...sure. We can go there." Harry looked at Draco with a smile , "thank's"

"For what?"

He shrugged,

At the joke shop they ate several different candies that did several different things.
Some made them make animal noises and others made you see crazy weird illusions. They never lasted long though.
They bought GigglyGloop, PimpleArtist's pencil, chocolate frogs, and some boring muggle candy.
They had a blast.

"This is the best first date ever!"
Harry shouted over the blasting music that was playing.

"Yeah! Wait, so we're dating now?!"

"Of course! Why not? I like you, you like me. We kiss more often then people not dating so it makes since!"Harry yelled hopping Draco could hear him.

"What'd you say?!!" Guess not.


I am soooooo sorry for not writing sooner! Huge thing called writers block eating at me. :(

I also have no plot or plan for this book so idk where to take go from here, should i make something drastic happen... maybe...

Writer way im SO sorry. Also, i checkered yesterday... OVER FIFTY THOUSAND READS?!!! THATS SO MANY OMG THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH UR SO AWSOME AND PATIENT!!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

Anyways! Below is what i had planned for this chapter!! <3

Time skip - (a lil after cuz i might do both) draco and Harry are in hogsmead, go to pink shop (the one cho and Harry went to). Reminds them of umbridge, they leave, go to a joke shop, and have fun there instead if wasting time drinking tea.

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