Chapter 5

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(Harrys pov)

I woke up the next day sore and in pain again. The pain relieving potion must've worn off I got up and checked the time, it was 4:37 in the morning.

I picked up my glasses that were in the floor for some reason before getting a couple of clothes the house elves I suppose brought me while I was sleeping, and went to go take a shower.

As soon as I got to my bathroom I looked in the mirror and froze.

My Hair was messy as usual, my eyes were there vibrant emerald green color, I looked tired, proven by the bags under my eyes, but that's not what I was looking at that stilled me.

My scars were showing. Yesterday I had put on dilution charms over all of my scars. I didn't like seeing them because it felt like a constant reminder I was a freak. A no good monster.
I assume the charms wore off during last nights dinner so that means Draco had seen them. My scars.

I didn't want the mini Malfoy finding out what those disgusting muggles did to me, it would probably make him hate muggles even more than he already had. But who could blame him, I've always hated muggles. Well... I hated the world first, I hated everyone, before I found out about the Wizarding world, after that I only hated muggles seeing what they'd done to me.

I sighed and continued getting ready to shower. There was the gooey stuff that had slightly stiffened on my chest, stomach and back. It felt gross and I couldn't wait to wash it off.

I spent twenty long minutes in the shower before I finally got out and dried off. I put on my new clothes and they were baggy on me even though they were a small size. They were definitely a huge upgrade from the Dudleys clothes though.

I had on a casual black Wizard
T-Shirt that had a moving outline of a snake on the too left corner. The pants were also casual plain black wizard pants and he had on completely black socks.

I looked in the mirror again ruffling my damp hair and trying to cover up my lightning bolt scar.

Once I was back in the room it was 5:04am. Draco was still in his bed sleeping when I looked at him. He must've fallen asleep thinking about something because his face was rested in a disgusted pose.

He had probably been thinking about me, how disgusting I am.

(Draco's pov)

I woke up around 6:30 in the morning, the usual. I stretched and yawned sitting up. I looked over at Harry expecting him to be asleep but I saw him sitting on his bed reading a potions book from school.

We made eye contact for a second before he went back to reading and I went to go get washed.

When I came back from my bathroom I looked over at Harry again, who was still looking at the same page for some reason.

I walked over to a standing mirror I had in my room I smiled at myself liking the way my hair looked when it wasn't gelled back.
I looked down at the hair stuff in my hand and frowned. I never liked my hair being so stiff and lifeless but I had to look presentable for my fathers reputation. I could care less about my reputation though, it seemed already ruined by the fact my father was a death eater.

"You should keep your hair like that, it looks better" Harry smirked from across the room.

I was about to snap at him when I remembered my promise to myself to try and be nicer to the git. "I know." Was all I said in reply.

Harry was surprised by not being yelled at but actually agreed with, "well.. why don't you?"

"My Father. Rules remember"

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