13.Jan 17th: Suga

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January 17th: Suga

Suga sighed after having yet another exhausting day at work.

He stretched before packing up his personal belongings such as his phone, and then walking out to go on about.

As he walked outside after greeting the few employees that were still working, he stopped and filled his lungs with the fresh late night air outside.

Checking his watch he saw that it was 10:30 pm and got a driver to bring his car over.

The driver handed Suga the car keys and Suga went in the car, alone.

He didn't want to be followed or with some or any staff members tonight, so he went alone.

But he didn't want to be completely alone.

He called his girlfriend, Suran, on his mobile phone, connecting it with the cars Bluetooth.

One ring.

Two ring.

Three ring.


7 ring.


He ended the call before trying again, yet to no avail as he met with the same results.

"That's weird... she said we'd have dinner tonight.." he mumbled to himself.

Deciding that something might be off, or that she must be in the shower, Suga decided to drive to her house directly.

The car swiftly and silently pulled into the driveway of her moderate house in the dead of the night.

He got out leaving his things in the car before walking inside using his keys.

They had been dating so long it was inevitable for him not to have access.

He walked inside to find, a mans laptop case?

"It could be her brothers..." he murmured to himself walking in further before turning to the flight of stairs.

But he heard something else, some noises that shouldn't be heard with someone else.

And that's when it hit him.

She was... cheating on him.

He should have left then and there, but he still hoped for the slightest chance it wasn't true.

His mind was telling him to turn right there on the spot and leave,... but he couldn't.

Instead his body had a mind of its own, propelling him up the stairs until he reached the handle of the door, with each step the moaning noises getting louder.

His hand rested on the door knob, hesitating to open it, but he did open it.

And what did he see? His worst nightmare in their relationship.

She was there, naked with another man.

He froze there in spot when she finally took notice of him.

"Babe no. Let me explain pl-" she started with her eyes widened as she pushed the other guy off of her, but was interrupted.

"Explain what suran. This is more than enough. Not another word from you. Let's not meet ever again under any circumstances. We're over" he said walking away from the scene despite the other girls desperate attempts to turn him around.

He walked out the house as he got inside his vehicle and drove far away.

Right now there was only one thing on his mind, alcohol

"Let's get drunk" he told himself as he pulled into the driveway of the one all too famous club.

Midnight haven.

He got out as he went through the doors skipping the wait, much to the rest of the people in lines dissatisfaction.

He went inside to the VIP section and sat against a bar.

"Whiskey. On the rocks" he told the bartender.

"Tough day huh" the bartender asked serving the drinks.

"You can bet" he replied sipping the glass not caring about the hit of the whiskey.

As he sat there drowning in his own thoughts, he realised.

"What was the point of having her, if she was only going to cheat on me?

I should have realised when she first grew distant.

All she wanted was my money, she didn't even care about me and right now I bet she's still fucking that asshole back at her house.

Why? All she wanted was the attention.

I was never even the one she cared about probably that bitch" he murmured to himself downing the rest of the glass in his hands.

"Give me another" he told the bartender.

"And here I thought my night was tough" a voice called from the side.

If it was anyone else he would have told them to get lost.

But this person was the one person who understood him and the feeling of being misunderstood.

"Give me a sunset rum" she told the bartender who obliged.

"Oohh. Sunset huh? Who hurt you?" He asked based on the strong vodka.

She leaned an elbow against the table looking at him.

"You wouldn't want to know" a reply came from her.

"So I'm guessing that bitch is finally gone" Jennie casually said taking a sip of her drink, feeling the alcoholic sting down her throat.

"You bet. The wench can go make out with the rest of the town for all I care."

"Oh but you do care. You're mad she doesn't have to suffer" Jennie said smirking at the losing end of the argument.

"I suppose you know me too well jen" Suga said.

They both simultaneously sighed until an idea clicked in her mind.

"I may have an idea for you to get her mad" she says as Suga looks at her intrigued.

"What may that be?" His face shows curiosity.

"Jealousy is the worst disease" Jennie replied with a mischievous tone laced with her voice.

"I like the sound of this. Continue" he prolonged with an equally wanting expression.

"You remember my dear dear friend, Im Na Yeon don't you?" She asked as he nodded.

"Why not kill two birds with one stone. She needs a pretend boyfriend to get out of an arranged marriage and you can use that relationship to make, Suran jealous." She said.

"That's not it is it?" Suga asked as Jennie nodded taking another sip.

"Suran always wanted you to announce and show her to the world, but you never did. Why not make your little ruse with Nayeon public, to annoy the shit out of her. Plus it's really good publicity." She said smirking.

"And this is why your my best friend. Don't tell the others. Also isn't that three birds with one stone then hm?" He said holding out his class.

She clinked hers with his as they both took a sip.

"That reminds me. Why are you here?" He asks.

"Especially with that liquor?" He asks.

"I'll do the job we discussed as our parting gift. I hope you live a happy life without me, my best friend" Jennie said standing up as Suga was confused.

"Wait what? Jennie what the fuck? Hold on" he said wanting to get up to go after her but suddenly felt drowsy and sat back down holding his head.

"It's a small sedative. She paid me good I'm sorry" the bartender said before Suga's eyes shut close.


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