39. Set me free

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Jennie sighed as she walked into marks house.

He called her the night after she landed from Hong Kong, saying that they needed to talk about something serious.

Very serious.

She felt that it was nothing good based off of the tone of his voice.

She clutched her phone tightly in her hands as she began to walked up the pavement of his home exterior, her heels clicking against every step she made to move forward.

Reaching the front door she rang the doorbell as he opened it for her.

He bore a serious expression on his face, which made her nervous.

He moved to the side, and tilted his head for a split second before moving forward.

She felt chills as she stepped inside his house, and she walked following him as he motioned her.

They reached his living room as he guided her and sent a signal for her to sit down, and she followed, placing her own hand bag on the glass and wood coffee table he had in his living room.

"We need to talk about the gala" he said as she froze at his word.

Her breathing became unstable and she was unable to meet his eyes as her head stayed down.

'Is this it? Is he going to expose me now?" She thought as she fiddled with her rings, a habit she developed to do when she felt nervous.

"I see that both you and Taehyung still have feeling for each other.." he started with a sudden statement as she still sat there frozen, afraid to even make a sound under his gaze.

"I saw everything that night. How you were sitting together outside and were close, even after I told you not to" Mark said as she felt jitters over her body.

Not the good type of ones.

She felt the ones that made her want to wake up from a horrible nightmare.

That is until his next words came from his mouth.

"And I realised that nothing I do can make you truly love me."

She looked up as her eyes finally met his in disbelief of what she heard.

"It's true. I can't keep trying for something that isn't ever going to happen. I realised that now. And I'm.. sorry. I was so blinded by my affection for you, I didn't realise I was hurting you much more than I could imagine." He said apologising as she was startled at his sudden change in actions.

It almost felt too sudden.

"What?" She muttered not believing what she heard and wanted to check again.

"I think it's time I move on from my blindness... and from you. I really am sorry for everything that I've done, and I understand if you can't forgive me. Don't worry though, you're secret will always stay safe with me. I will take it to the grave if I have to" he said as she still looked at him frazzled at his words. That's what she had been ever since he started talking after all.

She took a sip of the cold water, from the cup that was placed in front of her before returning it to its original place on the green saucer.

"I Saw how much it hurt you to stay away from your friends. They treat you like family and you do as well. And it made me realise you would never feel like that for me, ever. I'm really sorry again." He said as his eyes fell down in guilt.

"Mark. I really do appreciate that you are finally letting me go back to my friends after all this time. And I will forgive you. But do not get me wrong, I will never forget. I also hope that we never have to meet again because it would be too painful for me. But I do hope you find the one for you, who will treat you the way you need to be treated. The one who can heal your scars. And thank you for not revealing the truth about yeri. It really means a lot" she said as she stood up still shook by the news.

He nodded.

"I understand that you don't want to see me again. After all, I wouldn't forgive me for what I did to you. But you did. So thank you" he said as he smiled and for the first time in a while, she finally returned a sincere smile towards his way.

She stepped out of the house and into her car, setting down her belongings and resting her hands on the steering wheel, before releasing a breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding in all along .

"I'm free" she muttered with a smile that may have been small but felt more sincere than ever before .

"I'm finally free"


I'm still Writing since none of the news is confirmed!

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