42. The project

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Jennie was waiting peacefully in the café to meet with Taehyung for their daily meeting.

They had a collaboration after all to work for, it was held off until now but it's been too late.

She sipped at her latte as she watched the cars below swiftly move By.

Sitting at the second floor of the café guaranteed her privacy, and that meant that no one would be able to hear their project details.

A small smile played at her lips once she saw him walking in.

He looked around before spotting her and then making her way towards her before sitting down right in the opposite chair.

"I see you were too impatient to wait for me and rather already ordered" he said with a smirk and one eye brow raised.

"Look I can wait for you however long. But food cannot simply wait" she sails returning the smirk before grabbing a spoonful of the tiramisu and putting it in her mouth.

"You can order more if you'd like" she said shrugging as she leaned back in her chair.

"Or I could not" he said as well before taking the same spoon she used and taking a bite of the food.

"Well I guess that works" she said shaking her head at his actions as they both chuckled.

"So, let's start with the name of the collection then?" Taehyung began as she nodded.

"I think something simple but also a little different should do the trick. As you know the collaboration is between an art organisation and the clothes are going to be artistic, but since it's my brand they will be modern and chic as well.
So something simple would be nice" she said as he nodded.

"True. Any ideas?" He asked as she nodded sliding her tablet towards him across the table.

He watched as her fingers which had French tipped nails and a small ring on her index finger, smoothly swiped it across and her hand retracted elegantly.

Is it normal to think so much about someone's hands?

He didn't think so.

Yet he took the tablet as he began looking at the ideas she put across.

"Well I was thinking of a few ideas for a name this morning, around an hour ago, and I had an idea.
My company name, Rubeno, was just Ruby in a different language. So I thought the same and have the word artist in different languages.
It's just an idea though, if you have any you can tell me now and we can discuss which ever we like best" she said and Taehyung nodded at her words.

As she was talking he noticed as she spoke, the words slipping out her of her lips, but he didn't ignore a single word. He in fact heard every single thing she said, but couldn't stop admiring her in the process.

Her sitting stance was describable as one of her elbows was on the back rest of the chair, as her body was leaned to a side, and her feet crossed over one another. Her other hand rested on the knees as she once in a while used it to adjust her hair or articulate her words.

It might not have been feminine to most others, but it screamed power.

She stopped talking as his eyes scanned the tablet, not sure what for as he didn't understand most of the words.

He just chose what In his opinion sounded best, and decided to go with it.

"Well..." Taehyung started as Jennie listened attentively to his voice, which was deep and articulate.

"I didn't really have any ideas for the name so far, and I think this one looks and sounds good. So let's go with this" he said placing the tablet back on the table and turning it to her direction before pointing to his selection.

"Are you sure this is your finalised selection?" She asked as she picked it up.

"Yep." He confirmed to which she nodded and checked it off her list.

"Okay let's go with designs now. The hard part." She said as They both sighed and got to work.

Hours passed as Jennie stretched her arms, her elbows popping at the final bit of movement.

Her back was stiff from sitting on the chairs for so long but they were glad they got it over with.

You see, they were on a schedule as this collaboration was put of for too long, and they had to make it within the time frame to meet the deadlines for the marketing exposures.

So it was a lot of work.

"Okay..." Jennie started clasping her hands together.

At this point no one was in the second floor apart from them.

They had the utmost privacy.

But their once made appearances were far from what they had now.

Taehyungs coat was off and placed on the chair beside him, as his hair was messily curly, and the too few buttons of his white polo were unbuttoned.

Jennie on the other hand had her heels off, as she sat barefoot. Her blazer was on another chair as well and her once clean hands were now dirtied and stained with pencil lint.

They didn't mind though.

The work was getting done and their appearance was the least of their worries.

But what they didn't know is that to each other they still looked perfect.

To Taehyung Jennie was just as perfect, the light cast on her beautifully slightly tanned skin as her hair was now in its natural state. She looks enticing to him, and he wanted her.

To Jennie, he looked hot to simply put it.

I mean this man, was present with curly hair, slightly unbuttoned polo and yet he still managed to pull it off. And she loved it.

Snapping her head out of it she got to the topic at hand.

"So to move faster with the deadline, I'll do the material choosing and manufacturing, you handle the marketers and event details" she said to which he nodded.

"That sounds about fair" he said and she nodded.

He saw her putting the bud of the pencil between her lips every once in a while as she drew the sketches. She was biting the end slightly.

'It would be better if she bit my lips instead'

Oh shut it Taehyung. He mentally scolded himself for that as he got to the regular habit of twirling the pen around in his hands.

They sighed as they both packed up their things and headed out, finally done with their work.

It was a long day.

The project.

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