28. Dangers of the west

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Namjoon sighed as he got off the phone with Jin.

They decided to all meet at his study.

Namjoon drove home, and he glanced at the clock.

11:34 p.m

It was quite late, but he couldn't leave early just so he doesn't induce any doubt in Jimin.

He pulled into Jins house, as he was staying there and got out gathering his belongings before entering the house.

"Guys?" He called out as he stepped in.

"Upstairs!" Jisoo's voice could be heard and he set his things down before heading upstairs.

The three of them came into namjoons view as he stepped upstairs.

"Jimin didn't suspect anything right?" Jennie asked as Namjoon also took a seat.

"Nope. He thinks I'm going home while he's going to meet up with Taehyung to talk about, well us. He doesn't know that I know that though" Namjoon said as they nodded.

They talked a for around 2 hours about their situation that they were indulged in.

"Well, have you received any more messages from the creeps threatening us?" Jin asked.

"Actually I did. He knows where you live Jin.." Namjoon said as the other three froze but expected it.

"Why can't we just report them to the court or the police" Jisoo asked.

"Because then they'll ask deeper questions. And then they'll have this whole witness program to go over. On top of that we all gave the report as anonymous. We won't be benefitted by that whatsoever" Jin replied sighing as he sat down.

"Do we still have the pictures of the people that came to your house? The ones we caught through the CCTV?" Jennie asked as she sat in the chair looking through various files.

"Yeah. It's in the yellow file in the drawer below you" Namjoon replied pointing to a certain drawer.

She pulled out the photos and looked through before placing it down.

"We should sleep now. It's already 2 a.m and we can't function properly. Let's discuss this later" she said as she stood up tossing the file on the desk.

"Are you going to drive home now? This late?" Jisoo asked as they walked out the doors.

"It's not like I can stay here. On top of that I live close by. Don't worry about me. Take care" she said patting Jisoo's fore arm and smiling at the others.

"You too. They don't know that you two are involved in this, but just in case be careful" Jin said sticking his hands in his pockets.

Jennie nodded before finally bidding goodbye to the three and stepping out towards her car.

She turned the key into ignition as the car started and she pulled out the drive way.

The place where they both lived is in the outskirts of Seoul.

There's a forest looking area that have houses built towards the inside, but can't be seen from the other side.

It has a lot of privacy and you wouldn't be able to navigate there without the directions.

Over all, There are only 5 houses in that area, with maximum security.

It looks like a forest mainly as the main roads sides are tree areas.

Only the rich live there basically.

Jennie drove past two different houses before a bang went off.

She immediately stopped her car to the side as she got out with a panicked expression.

Looking down, she saw her tyre run flat.

"How the fuck did this happen" she swore to herself as she knew that these roads were smooth as hell, and that they were maintained at the top of their shape by the communal staff.

She looked forward and back, only to notice that even the one streetlight was off.

Turning on her flashlight she could just make our nails across the roads.

A deliberate attempt, is what she first thought of.

Just as she did chills came across her spine.

She looked forward opening her car door again.

She knew that the tire was flat, but it was okay to get her out of here at the moment.

She got inside and immediately drove just wanting to get out of the community.

Not even her house felt safe at the moment.

As she was driving, suddenly out of nowhere she saw a man, standing straight in the road, not even moving.

He just stood there, and her car was going too fast to stop.

Having to save the guy, her hands gripped the steering wheel as she jerked the steering left, taking her car down with her.

It drove straight into a ditch before colliding with a tree.

That's all Jennie remembered as blood trickled down the side of her head before darkness clouded her, and she went limp and unconscious with no one to know of her condition.

She was in the middle of the woods, after all.

There would be no surprise if it would take at least 3 days to locate her.

So her condition, needed luck.

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