14/Jan 17th: namjoon

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Namjoon was in his office as he was experimenting different formulae for his new perfume collection using science.

Yes, using formulas can help predict scents, but it's not always the best to do it all the time.

Jimin, on the other hand only uses random exponents and just freestyles things, which sometimes doesn't work out either.

So that's why they both make the perfect combination, despite their heights.

While he was working however, he suddenly got a phone call.

"Hey babe" Namjoon said picking the phone up despite his exhausted state.

But to his surprise all he could hear, was silence.

"Princess?" He asked again.

"Jihyo? Are you there love?" He asked one last time.

"Huh, must have been an accidental call.." he said to himself.

But just as he was putting his phone away, the faintest voice sounded out.

It was so soft, it would pass by as a whisper in the wind, on a night like this.

But only, it was different.

It sounded like a hushed tone, trying to prevent any sound to emit from themselves.

But he heard it alright.

He heard it loud and clear, no matter the sound.

"Help me"

Those words were what made him freeze on the spot.

To think, his loved one was in need of help.

Immediately acting, he held the phone closer, only to hear footsteps.

He decided to whisper as well, just for the assuring of her safety.

"Okay listen to me carefully okay Jihyo? Don't speak. If you're outside, tap once on the phone" he instructed with a calm voice despite his panicked physical state.

No sound came.

"If you're at home, tap once" he said.

And as softly and soundly as possible, came the one light tap.

"Okay, I'm coming right now. If you're upstairs, tap once" he said.

The sound came, again softly.

"Are you in our bedroom?" He asked again, and this time, she spoke.

"Bathroom.." she said and he understood.

She was in the master bathroom.

But what made him speed up, is the footsteps getting louder, and him hearing two men.

A door opened, and it was close.

He guessed it was the master bedroom and he cursed to himself, not too loud to not make too much of a noise.

Then the voices came again.

"You check the bathroom for the chick, I'll check the room"

Cold balls of sweat dropped down his forehead as he got chills.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT" he cursed again before stepping on the pedal even harder, way past the speed limit and running a few red lights.

The cops were too far to make it in time, and he was scared.

The last bit of his mental sanity gone already, he couldn't stop.

Her whimper came through, making him frustrated.

Then another door opened, much closer to her and his fear.

"Well, look what we have here..."

Then, the phone suddenly cut off.

"NO" he screamed as he was on full acceleration of his ability.

Given that he already broke a few things in the car, frustration was evident.

His hands tightened on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white from the pressure.

Namjoon ran through the door and found Jihyo crying in the floor.

He immediately went and held her in his arms, comforting her as much as possible.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you? These fuckers...! Did they do anything?" He asked rapidly as he held her checking for any wounds or marks of abuse or harassment.

"I'm okay. They left right after they took my phone. But.. who were they?" She asked confused as he matched his expression with hers.

"I don't know. But when I find out I won't leave them. I'm sorry I wasn't here" he said blaming himself for working overtime.

"It's not your fault." She said hugging him and he hugged her back.

Till a notification popped up on his phone.

He opened it to see a message on his notification index, from her phone.

"Did they know your password?" Namjoon asked Jihyo after seeing that she also saw the message came from her phone.

"Yeah.. they threatened me into telling them" she explained as he nodded.

He opened the message, which after viewing, his grip tightened on the phone again.

"They've found me" is the thought that went through his head when his face showed evident and clear, anger.

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