Part Eighteen || Jealousy

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'She's MY sister

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'She's MY sister.'

Izuku Midoriya

The two of you were walking toward the park to meet up with Iida and Ochaco.

You yawned a little, turning the page of your brand new book.

"Midoriya!" A familiar brown haired teen, waved you over.

"[Name]! It's good to see you again." She beamed at you, as she placed her hands on her knees to face you properly.

"It's good to see you too, Uraraka - chan!" You searched inside your side handbag. "Here." You gave her a bag of mochi.

"Arigatou, [Name]!" She began to eat the sweet treat.

"Oh, Iida - san! Do you have another book recommendation, I'm almost dome with thus one." You pointed at the book in your hand. He was the one who told you to read the book.

Your older brother watched you interact with his close friends. A little jealous, that you forgot about him. The moment you saw the two you ran, leaving his side.

Shoto Todoroki

You sat your futon, playing on your switch DS. That, your brother's friend, Denki, gave you. He saw you on the lounge doing nothing, but reading your book, that's when he got the idea to give you one of his DS, since he got a new.

You put it down, deciding to look for your brother. You found him in the kitchen, eating some soba.

"Kon'nichiwa." You greeted as he spotted you. You sat down, proceeding to eat you lollipop.

Mina walked in, wanting to grab a glass of water, but that soon disappeared from her mind when she saw you.

"[Name]!" She ran up to you. As for you, you looked at her. "Come, let's have some fun!" She had a cheeky smile on. "I'll be borrowing your sister, Todoroki!"

He was just as confused as you were. He wordlessly followed.

She dragged you to the lounge, where all the other girls were.

"Kero, [Name]!" Tsu greeted you. The girls started styling your hair. Putting it in braids, ponytails and so on. Mina kept pinching your cheeks. Everytime she did it, you would puff your cheeks in protest, but it only resulted to her pinching your cheeks even more.

Your duo haired brother watched as his the girls in his class fawned over you.

Happy that you were getting along with his classmates but, a little jealous that you were having fun with them and not him. Your own brother.

Kakashi Bakugo

Your brother stomped all the way to the cafe. Earlier that week Kirishima begged Bakugo to help him with study for up coming tests. You decided to tag along.

You nonchalantly followed behind him. Arriving to the cafe, he opened the door, he swiveled to make sure you were still behind him. Once he conformed that you were still there, he continued to enter the cafe.

A sweet and coffee aroma hit your nostrils as you walkes in.

"Welcome! A table for two?" Bakugo ignored the barista and scaned the surrounding.

"Bakubro! [Name]!" A red head called the both you.

Bakugo sat opposite from his classmate, whilst you sat beside Kirishima.

As they both studied, you read your brand new book, a tranquil aura radiating of you.

Instead of paying attention, Kirishima would start talking to you, asking how good of a brother Bakugo was. You got along well with everyone in class 1-A when you visted then.

"Oi! Pay attention!" Bakugo hit the red head's head with a rolled up paper.

Tenya Iida

"That really happened?" You said between laughs.

"Yeah then...."

Iida sat there as you conversed with two of his closes friends. He watched as you relax and become your laid back self.

Ochaco handed you some sweets, which you took without hesitation.

He couldn't help wonder why you didn't act like this around him. Was it because he was too serious? Did you feel the need to be serious around him?

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