Part fourteen|| Rescued + New book

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'We'll find you, [Name]'

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'We'll find you, [Name]'

Izuku Midoriya

Where were you? You should be home by now but you weren't. Your broccoli brother was getting concerned by your lateness

He had been walking around the city looking for you, that is until he got pulled into an allyway

Once in the allyway, the mysterious person pulled their hood down to reveal an insane villain known as, Toga

"Toga!" The U.A student exclaimed

"Hey there, did you miss me. I sure did!" Toga pressed herself against him, he instinctively backed up

"W-what are you doing?!" He tried to sound intimidating but he stuttered

He mentally scolded himself for stuttering

"Aww, don't be mean!" The villain pouted "After all we do have your sister" Her smile turned into a sinister grin

His emerald eyes widened "What you have..?"

"Yep! Little [Name]! I'm having so much fun with her"

Anger took over him

"Where is she" He tried to sound intimidating but, it sounded more like he was pleading. The psyco just smiled widely and whispered in his ear

If you were to witness this, you would have mistook the two for doing other things in the allyway. With the way Toga pressed her body against Deku and how she's whispering in his ear. How Deku is against the wall. Yeah, wouldn't think that Toga was threatening him

Toga pulled away, some of her blond locks fell in front of her face

"Meet us in that exact location" She pulled away "And bring some of your friends, we would be happy to meet your friends again" With that she walked deeper into the allyway, humming

Deku stood in tue allyway regaining his breath. He knew exactly why you were kidnapped, it was because the villains were angry at him for what he did this summer

He ran out of the allyway, determination running through him


"We shouldn't be out here" Todoroki reminded him. Iida and Momo nodde in agreement

"I know, but my sister has been kidnaped and I don't know what to do" Todoroki and Momo's eyes widened

"Sister?" Momo questioned

"Ah, yes. Iida already met her, her name is [Name]."


"Are you sure she's here?" The smart dark haired girl said. Izuku merely hummed in responds while opening the door to the abandoned warehouse

"You made it!" Toga instantly clinged to Izuku

"Welcome, I'm gald you could make it" Shigaraki sarcastically welcomed

You were tied on a chair, passed out.

Toga noticed how he was distracted and use this opportunity to pull a knife out


"I got her!" The half and half quirk user yelled out to your brother.

"Uh oh! You should put her back!" Toga ran towards Todoroki, knife in hand. Todoroki built an ice wall, blocking her path toward the both of you

Before Izuku attacked Toga, the police Izuku called before hand, had came. Toga and Shigaraki's eyes widened

"Freeze!" A voice boomed through out the warehouse

The two villains ran using the back door disappearing into that allyway

Katsuki Bakugou

Katsuki was livid.

Earlier he had received a message from a number he doesn't recognize. In that message was a picture of you tied on a chair passed out, an address was also sent

He planned to go to the location by himself but Midoriya found out and tried talking him out of the idea. Midoriya soon gave up, knowing that there was no point.

"What are you going to do, Kacchan?"

"I'll send those villains to hell, force satan himself to bring them back to life so I could kill them again and again, until they beg me to stop" His tone sent a chill down Midoriya spine

When they both got to the location, the blond kicked the door.

"You fina-!" Shigaraki was cut of by an explosion in front of his face


Police came barging through the door. Thanks to Midoriya who had told Mitsuki about you kidnapping

Shoto Todoroki

A mysterious letter was givin to the youngest Todoroki. A picture of you and a threath, demanding he meet the villains in the location writen on the paper

He was hesitant but, told his father about your kidnapping

3 hours later, after looking for you and organizing a police squad, you were rescued. You had injures but, you were alive

Tenya Iida

A USB was sent to Tensei's agency. The USB contained you sitting on a chair, tied, an address attached

He organized a group from his agency to rescue you.

When he got there he recognized the villain. She was the same villain he fought a few days ago

Once you were out of her grasped, he ran straight to the nearest hospital.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I just want to inform you, that I have published a new book. It is called:

'Humanity's Smartest'

I hope you read my new book!

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I hope you read my new book!

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