Katsuki Bakugou|| Why him?

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You are 16

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You are 16

You walk down the halls, your hair swaying a little. You felt a presences of someone and you instantly knew who it was, a gentle smile appeared at your lips.

"Don't even try, Kiba Inuzuka" Turning around you saw you boyfriend with a pout on his face

"Aww, how did you know [Name]?" He whined

"Secret~" You walked up to him and gave him a peck on the lips

"We're going to be late, lovebirds~" The both of you looked to see Ino and Temari giggling while Hinata blushed

Naruto took your hand and intertwined your finger together

You had told your parents that you had a boyfriend and they even meet Naruto. It was your brother that didn't know, and you were surprised. The both of you go to the same school. You were a first year in U.A, while Katsuki was a third year and you two see each other in school


Bakugou shoved his hand in his pockets as Kaminari and Sero were doing something stupid he could careless about. That is until his red haired friend bought his attention

"Hey Bakugou, is that your sister?" The blond looked up to see you holding a boy's hand and the next thing he knew:

You were kissing this boy

He was livid. He stomped his way over to you, Kirishima tried to stop his friend but, to no avail.

Once he reached you, he pulled you away.

"Katsuki!" You struggled under his grip

"Just who do you think you are!" Your angry brother yelles at your boyfriend

You finally were able to escape his grip and get between both boys before something happen.

"Alright, um, Kiba this my brother. Katsuki this is my boyfriend."

"What?!" This is exactly how your brother was going to react. You knew it

"Okay, let's not fight please, mom and dad already know"

"Tsk" Your brother grabbed your wrist and dragged you all the way home


He slammed the door close

"Your dating someone!" Your brother started yelling at you

"Oi! Would you stop it!" Your mother came down and yelled loud enough for him to hear. A silence fell upon the three of you, that is until Katsuki decided to break the silence and spoke

"Did you know?" He looked at your mother who had her arm crossed "Did you know she had a boyfriend?" Your mother only nodded

"Why him?" His red eyes, eyed you, it was like he was looking through you and into your soul

"Why him? Is that really a question. He makes me happy, he loves me, he keeps me grounded. Whenever I'm sad he's there for me. He makes my sadness go away. He care's for me. I know that you're looking out for me but please, give him a chance"

You walk out of the house, leaving Katsuki in his thoughts

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