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Your past

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Your past

You were happily waking back home, excited to show your mother and father the new skill you learned. When you arrived home it was quiet, too quiet, but being the 4 year old you were you didn't think much of it.

You went inside and called out for your parents.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home" you called out while putting your bag down.

That's weired surely they would have told you or left a note for you that they would be out. Curiosity getting the best of you, you walked deeper in the house. You were in front of the kitchen door but you were hesitant to go in, something in you was telling you not to go in but you did any ways.

You opened the door and your eyes widened. You were frozen you couldn't move, think, breathe, you couldn't do anything. There was parents, blood everywhere. You look over your parent to see them still breathing but covered in their blood.

A man with a black cloak came out of the shadows. He had a death scythe on his right hand, the death scythe was slung over his sholder and his hood was up so it was hard to see his face.

He put the death scythe's blade up to your father neck. You look to the direction of your father, your eyes began to water. You held your right wrist with your left hand and held it to your chest.

Your father looked up at the man and gritted his teeth out of anger. Your mother on the other hand maneged to muster a few words.

"(Y-Y-Y/N)" she said weakly.

But you couldn't, you were still frozen in place, tears streaming down your face, your hands still held to your chest and you could feel your heart beating fast.

Then, what had happened next you couldn't believe. Something you will never be able to unsee. It happened so fast. One moment your father was glaring at the hooded figure the next, he was on the floor, a pool of blood under him. You screamed.

"NO!" Your mother yelled and got up to punch the hooded figure. You see your parents were strong ninjas and was part of the S.E.T, Special Elite Team. People respected them and looked up to them, you were part of that group, you respected you parents and looked up to them, you strived to be like them when you grew up. But as the saying goes 'There will always be someone stronger that you.'

Your mother was to slow, the hooded figure was able to stab your mother with his death scythe in her stomach. She stoped in her tracks, her hand that was formed into a fist droped to her side. You screamed at the top of your lungs, the neighbors most likely heared you. With on swift move the hooded figure threw your mother realising your mother from his scythe.

Your mother stopped a few inches in front of you. You looked at your mother and rushed to her. Her breathing was slow, there was already a pool of blood under.

"(Y/n) run, It's not safe here. Run. Promise me that... you will live." She said with a stern yet gentle look on her face. You could tell she was trying not to cry for your sake.

"Promise me" she said while putting her hand on the center of your collar where the ribbon was and the brooch your mother gave you was. (The brooch was in the middle of the ribbon, so the brooch was hidding the knot of the ribbon)You looked down and saw that your white uniform covered in blood.

"Never forget, me and your father loves you very much. We're proud if you" she said while giving a closed smile. Even under this circumtances she's still smiling.

"I'm sorry I will be leaving you but I know you are strong enough" with that her breathing stopped and her hand fell limp. More tears streamed down your face.

The hooded figure looked at you and started walking towards you.

'I have to get out of here' you thought

You looked back up and the hooded figurewas much closer to you, too close for comfort. He twirled his death scythe then put it over his head and started bringing his scythe down. Your eyes widened. When he brought down his scythe you were able to dodge the blade barley. You scrambled to your feet and ran out.

The hooded man just stood there watching run for your life. You were still crying. You almost reached the front door when the door was kicked opened. You fell on our bottom and screamed. It was the police. Apparently your neighbors called the police because they heared your screams and was worried about you. The neighbors mention about you and told the police to look for you.

Your parents were friendly and was friends with the neighbors so the neighbors know you. You were on the floor crying your eyes out. One of the police came near you.

"Are you (F/n) (L/n)?" She asked.
"Y-yes" you replied through sobs.

While you were talking the rest of the police searched your house, they found your parents and gave you sympathetic looks.

"Sweetie, do you have any grandparents?" The police asked.

You shook your head no.

"Do you have any one to take care of you?"

Again you shook your head. You were outside, blaket wraped around you, water in hands and paramedics checking on you. One of your neighbors came out and explained that she was your parent's friends, she explained who you were and that your grandparents had died. Unfortunately she was not able to take care of you, so there was only one option for you. The police will have to take you to the orphanage.

You were wearing something like this but the ribbon was on your neck and the brooch is hiding the knot

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You were wearing something like this but the ribbon was on your neck and the brooch is hiding the knot

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