Part Twenty One || Scary

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'Why am I so scared?'

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'Why am I so scared?'

Izuku Midoriya

It was so quiet, only the tiking of the clock on the wall could be heared. Your brother and mother had to run to the store for some things and you were left alone.

You didn't really care that you were alone until you heared noises coming from down stairs. You may be 14 but you were a smart one. You had read to many scary novels and watched horror movies to know not to check what made that noise.

You brushed it off, but you locked the door and window. Another noise made you jump.

"I swear...." You mumbled.

With the second noise you teleported outside the apartment. Was it a bad idea? Yes, it was cold not to mention it was raining. The perfect night for some kind of ghost to come out.

Some time passed when your mother came back home with your brother beside her.

"[Name], why are outside?" Your brother asked you as you lean against the wall, arms crossed to keep you warm.

You averted your eyes to the side, embarrassed, "I heared a noise inside and I got scared."

"A noise? It must be the rats." With your mothers words, you felt more embarrassed, now knowing that it was just rats and not some ghost.

Katsuki Bakugou

Your [Eyes/C] eyes darted around your room. You and your brother were home alone and your parents were coming home late, because of that your older decided to watch a horror movie, with you.

Because of the horror movie you're having trouble sleeping. You were sat up on your bed, quirk on. Your windows were slightly ajar, making you even more freaked out. You wanted to close them, but your imagination was getting the better of you.

You thought that once you were close to the window, you would see some kind of inhuman creature and would drag you out.

Some thing got knocked down because of a gust of wind. You looked over your water bottle on the floor, not even thinking about logical reasons you teleported in between your parent.

You squeaked upon impact, your parents woke up because of you and because of the bed slightly bouncing.


"I think my room is haunted!" You burried yourself in the comforter.

The next morning you refused to enter your room. Your mother also scolded your older brother for making you watch a horror movie and making you stay up late.

Shoto Todoroki

You ignored it, despite it being so loud. You reread the same paragraph of your book. But it won't let you, another thunder clapped and again you flinched.

Tears in your eyes, you again tried reading the paragraph.

"[Name]? Why are you still awake?" Your duo color haired brother asked you. Seeing the tears in your eyes and the way you flinched when a thunder was heared, he could only concluded that you were afraid of thunders.

"Come." He opened his blankets. Without a second thought you ran under the covers, where he put a hand a top your head.

"Don't worry. I told you, you're safe here."

Tenya Iida

You navigated your way around your house, deciding not to turn on the lights, you didn't want to wake your family up.

With you mouth dry, you were determined to get a glass of water. To tired to use your quirk, you sucked it up and walked throught the dark.

"I swear if some thing or someone pops in out of nowhere they'll get a face full of my light beam."

With a satisfied sigh, you rinse your glass and made your way back. As you passed the front door, you here it creack open, making you freeze.

Once you had the courage to look at what was there a tall figure was there. You yelp trying to run, you trip over your own feet. You tried getting up when you here your name being called.

"[Name], calm down." The lights were turned on. Once your eyes adjusted to the light you saw who it was.

"Tensai?" You completely forgot about him working over time this week.

"Are you alright, [Name]?"

You chuckled slightly and stood up, "I thought I saw a ghost. Well, I'll be going to bed now." You wished him a good night and ran off.

You had a completely lied. You weren't scared because you thought it was a ghost. You were scared because you had flashed backs on when your parent were killed. When you saw his silhouette, your mind immediately went to the hooded figure you saw that day.

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