Part four|| The past

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'That's the hell I went through'

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'That's the hell I went through'

Izuku Midoriya
It was just another day, Izuku had training again so you tagged along. Every time he has training you would always tag along, it was one of the ways you two bonded.

His training session had just ended and both of you started to walk home. It was quiet until Izuku stated to talk to you, more like asked you. He asked you a question you never thought he would ask.

"What happened that made you end up in the orphanage?"

You instantly stopped in your tracks. You didn't care if you were in the middle of the sidewalk. The aura around you saddened.

"My parents... they're dead." You replied.

There was a pause, and you started walking again with Izuku right behind you. He didn't need to ask for you to know he wanted to know more about your past.

You continued, "It was eight years ago, I was 4 years old. I thought It was a normal day but I was wrong. I was walking home an when I arrived it was quiet. I went inside, looked around for a bit. When I decided to look in the kitchen... I saw them... alive but... covered in their blood." A tear strolled down you eye as you remember that the

Taking a deep breath you continued. "A hooded figure was there too. He killed my parents... in front of me." You were crying remembering your parents trying to fight for their lives.

"Saw them... I saw my parents die... right in front of me." Your pace slowed down a bit, you were bitting your lip to prevent more tears to come down but, it wasn't really working.

Book at hand, you clench your hands. "If only I wasn't frozen with fear and helped my parent they would still be alive."

Izuku didn't know what to do. You went through all this pain. Not only did your parents die, you also saw them die. Should he comfort you? Do you want to be comforted? Should he say something? He honestly didn't know what to do. But he know's one thing he could do, not only he could do this, he would.

He would make sure you would go through the same pain you went through. If he couldn't save you from this pain, what makes him think he could ever save anyone in need.

Katsuki Bakugou

There he goes again. Fighting with our mother. You woke up, got out of bed, change, the usual stuff. Walking down stairs you saw both of your parents in the kitchen. You walked over to the table and sat down.

"Morning" You said, sleepiness laced your words.

"Morning!" Your mother said, quite loudly but you didn't mind. Your father was across from you and was reading the news paper.

Your breakfast was served and it was quiet, that is until a certain hot headed teenager woke up. You heard his foot steps go down the stairs. When your brother came in to the kitchen, he plopped down the chair beside you, not even saying a 'good morning'

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