Part ten|| Cuts

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'I should have went deeper'

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'I should have went deeper'

Izuku Midoriya



17 cuts


Make that 18 cuts. The red liquid dripped down your arms as you got up and head toward's one of your drawers, where you keep your bandages that you got from the bathroom. Considering that your brother is always injured, there is plenty of bandage.

You took your handkerchief and started dabbing the peachy pink cloth on your fresh cuts, wrapping the white bandage around your arm.

Pulling down the sleeve of your long sleeve shirt. You heard the front door opening, signaling you that your mother and brother had returned from the store.

"[Name]! We're back" You hear your brother exclaimed from down stairs

"[Name]! Can you come down here please? I need your help with dinner."

You walk toward your bedroom door only to stop, your hand hovering on the door knob.


"[Name]! [Name]!" You were broken out if your thoughts by your loud, energetic friend Naruto. You looked up, humming in response

"Are you going to eat that?" He pointed at your half eaten ramen you had ordered for lunch. You pushed the tray towards him, his ocean blue eyes brightened. He took a pair of chopsticks and started eating the warm ramen like his life depended on it.

"[Name], aren't you hungry? You have haven't really eaten." Hinata softly questioned you, her lavender eyes had shown worry for her dear friend

"No. I'm fine." You offered her a small smile. "I have to go to the restroom" You stood up and exited the cafeteria, bag in hand.

"Hm, did something happen?" Temari tilted her head to the side, a few strands of her sandy hair falling in front her face.

"She's probably on a diet" Ino suggested.

"Diet? [Name] is already skinny enough. Why would she be on a diet?" Shikamaru asked yawning


The familiar stinging pain shot through your arm, the small blade had some blood on it. You rinsed your bloody arm along with your small blade, putting a fresh bandage around your arm.

Later that day, your mother had called for you down the hall.

"Yes mom?" You popped your head in the bathroom, where you saw your mother standing there.

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