Shoto Todoroki|| Safe and Sound

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'You're safe here'

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'You're safe here'

The half n' half boy sat on the leather chair that was beside your hospital bed. The reason why you were in there, unconscious, tubes attached to you, your heart beat being monitored, is because of him.

His father had been training you, pushing you, but he had pushed to hard.

You had been unconscious for 24 hours. Honestly, if you weren't in a hospital gown or if you weren't hooked up in machines, you just liked you were just sleeping.

A knock interrupted his thought, he looked up too see Fuyumi with bento boxes, wrapped in a blue cloth with flower patterns on it, in her hand.

"How is she?" The young woman said, setting the bento boxes down on the small coffie table in room.

"Doctors say she's fine, exhausted but fine."

The female handed his baby brother a bento box filled with, rice, an omelet. The teenager mumbled a: thank you and started eating his breakfast.

A groan caught there attention. Both siblings looked at you anticipation, hopping that you finally wake up. And they were right.

You tired to get up but your head was banging. You looked to the side:

"Sho..." You managed to say. Both your siblings were already beside you.

"[Name] hey, relax, you're fine" Your sister reassured you

"Where- where am I?" You sat up, a few strands of your [Hair/c] hair fell in front of your face

"Your in a hospital right now. You were unconscious for a whole day." Your sister informed you while putting a strand of hair behind your ear

Your sister handed you a bento. It had the same foods as Shoto had but, you had more food considering that you hadn't eaten for a whole day.

"A perfect breakfast"


The school bell rung indicating that the period is over. Shoto stood up and walked out the gigantic doors. While his friends walk to the direction of the cafeteria, he walked toward the office.

"Hey, Todoroki the cafeteria is this way" Urakaka pointed out. Deku and Iida looked at there friend behind Uraraka.

"I'll meet you guys there. I have something to do first." He continued to walk down the hallway

He knocked on the office door, a muffled: come in signalled him to enter the room

"How can I help you?" The fury principal asked

"Principal Nezu, I need a favor to ask."


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