Part Nineteen || The Store

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'What aisle is this on?'

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'What aisle is this on?'

Izuku Midoriya

You mother had sent you and your brother to the store to pick up a few things for dinner while she went to work. She left a list and money on the counter. Izuku placed the that list and money in his jacket pocket.

"We need sauce." You informed him as he pushed the cart. "I'll grab it." You teleported to the aisle where the sauces were. Thanks to your quirk your trip to the store was a lot faster than expected.

Just as you were about to teleport back to your brother, you saw the freezer aisle. You made your way there to pick up at least one or two sweets. You should be able to afford at least one sweets. You grab a pack of ice cream mochi. It was 550 yen, 5.07 dollars, for a pack.

Then, you teleported back next to your cart. "I hope it's okay if I can get some mochi." You showed him the box. He grabbed the box and put it in the cart. "Sure, I'm sure we can afford this."

Happy you both made your way to check out and go home afterwords.

Katsuki Bakugou

Katsuki glared at the list in his hand the other hand gripping the handle of the cart tighter. "Um, what's wrong?" You questioned.

"There's so much stuff on here. Why the hell did the old hag tell us to buy these shit?!" You only sighed at his complains. You have to agree with him, you would rather be in your room, bunddled up in your blanket watching the newly release anime named 'High Rise Invation' or maybe reading the manga.

"Come on, the faster we get this done, the sooner we can go home." You began to walk away, snatching the list from his hands. You cracked your neck then began to teleport to the aisles and back to the cart.

You placed the spicy seasonings in the cart and glance at the list. "That's the last item. Let's check out, I really want to go home and watch anime."

Shoto Todoroki

You stood beside your older sister as she wondered what she'll cook for lunch. "[Name] what do you want for lunch?" She turned to you. "[Name]?"

As of now you were rubbing your eyes. You thought you were strong enough too teleport both you and your sister to the store. Oh how wrong you were. You looked at your sister with a stream of blood coming down your left eye.

"[Name]!" She exclaimed, she knelt down to your hight and grabbed your shoulders, worry on her face.

"I'm fine." You groaned in response. "I just over used my quirk, but I should be fine." You wiped the blood of your cheak. "[Favorite/food]." You simple responded. "I want some [Favorite/food] for lunch today."

You offered her a minuscule smile. She stood back up and and grabbed the ingredients. Once you were done, you both went home and cooked for you.

She handed you a bento box and asked: "Are you sure you don't want me too drive you there." You nodded, "I'm sure I can teleport back to the U.A campus."

She sighed in defeat, "Alright. Be careful." She patted your head, flattening your [Color/h] hair in the process.

With that you activated your quirk, your eyes iris turning bright [Favorite/color] and teleport.

You stumbled a little as you closed your eyes for a momment, letting your eyes adjust.

"Onii - san!" You called out to him who was on studying. "Lunch."

He took the bento from you. "Onii - san." You pointed to the top of your head. He looked at you for a momment when it clicked, he patted your head softly.

Tenya Iida

"Let us be quick! With your quirk [Name] we can go home quickly." You nodded. Quick, huh? Your older brother was quick, you've seen him use his quirk before. With how fast he was going, you're pretty sure he'll be leaving women unsatisfied with how fast he is. If you know what I mean.

You shook your head lightly as if the action would remove your brain from the gutter. "Is something wrong, [Name]?" He asked noticing you odd behavior.

"Fine." You started teleporting back and forth. You were finished by a minute. You payed for your items with you asking to purchase a pack of dango.

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