Part seven|| Crush

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'He's been acting strange around me'

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'He's been acting strange around me'

Izuku Midoriya

You waved goodbye to Izuku as you walked pass the gates of your school. It was a peaceful morning, that is until.

"[Name]!" One of your best friends, Ino, ran up to you.

The day went on smoothly, nothing out of the ordinary happened. It was currently lunch time, you walked to the cafeteria with Ino and Tenten.

When you sat down on your table and started eating. Everyone was acting normal, Naruto and Kiba being loud and hyper, Tenten was talking about her wepons, Temari telling Shikamaru how lazy he was, Hinata being shy, Sai being Sai, Shino admiring his bugs, Ino and you talking to each other. Well, almost everyone was acting was normal.

Sasuke was acting weird. He kept glancing at you now and again. Also when ever Naruto talks to you he sometimes has this look on his face. It's the look of... jealousy? Not only were you noticing this, but, Ino also noticed Sasuke's strange behavior.

Ino's Point of view

I was talking to [Name], she took a bite of her food. I waited for her to finish the bite. As I waited I saw something strange, Sasuke was glancing at her. He's been acting like that for weeks now. I stare at him in suspicion.

The bell rung telling us that lunch was over, me and the rest of the squad head back to class. We chatted on the way to class, when we got back to class Sasuke excused himself to go to the restroom. This was the great opportunity to know what's going on, I also excused myself, telling the teacher I had to use the restroom. In the hallway I saw Sasuke walking towards the restroom.

"Sasuke!" I said, loud enough for him to hear since he was far down the hall. He turned around to look at me. I ran up to him, my 2-inches heels clicking with every step I take.

"What's going on?" I asked with in my usual sassy tone.

"What do you mean?" He retorted, in his bored tone.

"Don't play dumb with me Sasuke. You're always glancing at [Name], I'm surprised she hasn't noticed yet cause if she did she would totally freak out." I remarked as I cross my arms and tap my foot against the ground.

He looked at me with his eyes widening a bit before saying, "Tch, I don't know what your talking about."

"Oh please, I've been noticing this for weeks, not to mention whenever Naruto talks to [Name] you always have this look on your face. The look of jealousy" That's when it clicked. It took everything in me not to squeal in excitement.

"What's with that stupid look on your face?" He said in his bored tone.

"You like [Name], huh" I said with a sly grin.

Sasuke's eyes widened. "W-what are you saying! Y-you don't know what your talking about! W-w-why would you even- I-Its not like that!"

"Rigghhtttt....." I replied with a grin on my face, Sasuke had a very visible blush across face.

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