Part six|| Getting Hurt

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'Well, this sucks'

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'Well, this sucks'

Izuku Midoriya
You were with your older brother, naturally. He was training and you were sitting in the distance reading your book.

Izuku had his quirk activated and ready to punch but, All Might started coughing. This got Izuku's attention, he stopped to see if everything was alright. All Might called it a day since he wasn't feeling to well and needed to rest. Izuku walked up to you, telling you that he was done early today. You noded at this.

Izuku took a hold of your arm to help you up, since you were sitting on the ground. Turns out this was a big mistake. His quirk was still activated from earlier, and when he grabbed your arm to help you, his arm glowed, he felt his quirk flow to his arm and then it happened.

His quirk released to the arm that was holding your arm, causing your arm to break. You hissed in pain, you bit your lip to prevent yourself from screaming, tears formed in your eyes due to the pain. Izuku immediately released you and began to apologize.

"It hurts" You managed to say.

"I-I-I..." Not knowing what to do he called his mom asking for help.

The moment Inko came she rushed both of you into the car, so she could drive to the hospital, with a worried expression plastered on her face. The car ride was tense, you could say. Inko was worried about you, you were holding your arm, trying not to cry and Izuku was sitting there, guilt eating him up.

Needless to say Izuku was more careful around you when his quirk is activated, if being more careful is even possible.

Katsuki Bakugou

It was a normal day, by normal I mean your brother and mother yelling at each other, and your father trying to calm them down. You sighed and continued to go to the kitchen. Drinking the cup of water, you washed the cup and head back to your room.

An hour passed and your mother and older brother are still making a ruckus, you grew tired of being in your room so you went down stairs. As you kept getting closer and closer to the living room their voices become louder.

"YOU HAG!" Your older brother yelled like there's no tomorrow.

"OH, I DARE YOU TO USE YOUR QUIRK ON ME!" Your mother remarked.

"Let's all just calm down and talk." Your father said calmly. But the two ignored him like usual. You wanted to sit on the couch, so you thought of teleporting there but you decided against it, mistake number one. You walked to the couch, not even thinking of getting in between the two. You walked behind your older brother so you could stay out of the fight, mistake number two.

Your mother was still daring him to use his quirk on her, being irritated he did so. He made explosions come out of his hands, but the good news was, his hands were his hands were behind him. Bad news was, you were also behind him and all your attention was on your book.

The explosions caught you off guard, in result, the explosions repelled you back a little making you fall. You tried to stand up but you ended up passing out.

"[Name]!" Your parents both said in usion. Our brother quickly turned around to see you behind him passed out. Your father, being one of the closes to you, rushed to your side, your mother following. Your brother stood still, shocked of what he did to his sister.

"We have to get her to the hospital" Your mother said more to herself then anybody. Your father hoisted you up and carried you to the car, while your mother on the other hand grabbed the keys and dragged your brother out.

At the hospital a doctor spoke to your parents, saying that you were lucky you didn't have any scratches, but you were going to be out until you recover.

Shoto Todoroki

"Get up" Your father commanded, looming over you. You were panting like crazy. You have bern training for the pass four hours.

You got up, dusting yourself in the process. You positioned yourself into a fighting stance, activating your quirk, you put up three crystal-mirrors in front of you. Your father attacked using his quirk.

He punched, your crystal-mirrors protecting you but, you got pushed back. As he kept punching, your crystal-mirrors kept protect and you kept getting pushed back. As he sent the last punch, your crystal-mirrors broke, shards going everywhere. You did a side aerial to avoid getting punch.

Side Aerial: A gymnastic move

You landed but due to exhaustion you fell on one of your knees

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You landed but due to exhaustion you fell on one of your knees. You caught your father off gaurd with that move. He stared in shock for a second before straighting up and get to a fighting stance.

Standing up, you also got into a fighting stance, putting up crystal-mirrors. Your father punched your crystal-mirrors. This went on for a couple minutes, it was only then your father realized you were holding back on your attacks. You could have sent your crystal-mirrors forward and pushed your father back but, you choose to stay on the defense.

"What are you doing, fight back." He commanded in his deep voice, still punching. You didn't attack, instead you focused on making sure your crystal-mirrors didn't break.

"Fight back" His punches began to be more stronger, more faster.

"Stop playing defense and fight back" He said, starting to get irritated. A few more minutes of this and your father became angry, he started to punch your crystal-mirrors faster and more violently. Your crystal-mirrors began to break, a crack formed on it.

He punched again, his fist went through your crystal-mirrors breaking them and also punching you in the process. You got punched hard, so hard that you got pushed back and when you hit the door behind you, it broke due to the impact. You spat out blood and passed out.

Your siblings ran toward the source of the sound. Fuyumi and Natsu saw you on the hallway floor passed out, blood dripped from the corner of your mouth and the door broken. Shoto came in last and saw your motionless body.

Your three older siblings was worried for you. You had a good bond with the three them, you were the reason they weren't afraid of coming home any more, they look forward to spending time with you, and seeing you in such a state made them worry and scared for your well being.

They all rushed to your side, not knowing what to do. Fuyumi instructed the two to bring you to a hospital. Shoto picked you up but also giving his father a death glare.

At the hospital a doctor took you to make sure you were alright. Your siblings were in the waiting room, Fuyumi was sitting on one of the chairs, Natsu was pacing back and forth and Shoto was thinking.

This was the last straw, Shoto couldn't just watch his father hurt you the way he hurt him. So he made up his mind, him and his friends were moving in the dorms in a few weeks. You were coming with him when he moves into the dorms.

Tenya Iida

I'm sorry but I can't think of anything for Tenya. I think Tenya is a responsible person so he wouldn't let you get hurt under his watch

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