Part one|| Adopted

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You were twelve and you were still in the orphanage

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You were twelve and you were still in the orphanage. You kept to your self, only talking to a few people or the care takers if you needed help, other than that you were quiet. After what happened 8 years ago, you became emotionless. You alway have a blank look on your face, you distanced yourself from others. Although the other kids were friendly to you, you knew they prefer having a friend who was bright and bubbly.

As another kid got adopted, the rest of you watched. She was around 6 and always a bubbly one. She would ask if you were okay whenever she saw you, considering that she couldn't read your blank look.

'I'm never getting adopted' you thought. 'I mean who would want a broken child'

You felt a hand on your shoulder. It was one of the care takers.

"Don't worry (Y/n), you'll get adopted" she said while smiling.

You doubted that, the other kids were happy and lively while you were still remebering what happened 8 years ago vividly.

That doubt soon faded away whan they came into your life. Your should I say when you came into their lives.

Izuku Midoriya (Deku)
-Izuku's point of view'
It was just an ordinary day. I sighed, boredom getting the best of me I decided to walk around. I came upon the store mom was in. I decided to go in just in case mom needed help with anything. Walking inside I spotted her.

"Izuku! What are you doing here?" She asked

"Well I didn't really know what to do so I came here just in case you needed help" I replied

"Well I'm done shopping, I was just about to pay, you can help me carry the bags"


Once were done paying we walked out the store. While were walking, we passed the orphanage. Mom stopped and looked at the building.

"Mom?" I asked

"Izuku, how would like to have a sibling?" She said looking at me.

A sibling? Some one who would be by my side? Some one who would look up to me? Some one I could protect?

A smile made it way it's way to my face.

"I would love to have a sibling, mom"

She smiled brightly. We dropped of the groceries and mom called the orphanage to let them know we would come by the next day.

The next day roled around, I was excited. We entered the building, since we didn't know what age we wanted, so they showed us everyone. The care takers said the oldest were 15 year olds.

'15 year olds? That's my age' I thought.

As we looked around mom spent more time with 6 year olds. I was looking around the kids were adorable. But one of the kids caught my eye. She looked about twelve year old. She had a blank look on her face but I can tell she was sad.

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