Tenya Iida|| Running

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"Run [Name]! Run!" Your mother screamed at you while trying to fight the hooded figure

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"Run [Name]! Run!" Your mother screamed at you while trying to fight
the hooded figure

Your mother pushed the hooded figure away and ran towards you, trying to get out of the house. Despite your parents being pro heros, they couldn't fight off this villain. Your father was dead on the floor, a pool of his own blood under him.

Your mother was just a step away from you but, she was slow. The villain managed to catch up too your mother, stabbing your mother in the back with its death scythe.

Your mother spat out blood. Your breath hitched in your throat.

"M-mom" You were shacking. You knelt down near your blooded mother

"[Name] run, run" She weakly said

You looked up to see the black hooded figure raising his death scythe

"No! Run [Name]!"


You jolted up awake, you found your self covered in sweat and breathing heavily. You looked at your alarm clock which read 6:32 AM.

'Damn nightmares'

You've started having nightmare again for the past weeks and it's always the same, you watch your mother get killed, the hooded figure walking up to you and right when you get killed you wake up.

Uniform in hand, you entered the bathroom.

The warm water hit your skin as you wash your [Hair length] hair, you closed your eyes so the shampoo won't get in your eyes.


You instantly open your eyes, gasping, you looked around. You sighed looking down, your hair falling in front of your face.

"Damn it. Am I losing my mind or something." You mumbled to yourself

The shower was still on and the warm water hitting you but you couldn't feel it. You gripped your hair with both your hands, crying quietly.

You wrapped your towel around your bare self as you stepped out the shower. Holding your towel, you stood in front of the mirror.

You looked into the misty mirror, your eyes shined but, the more you looked at your eyes the more you saw your late father's eyes. You had your father's eye color.

You looked away from the mirror, you held your temple, breathing heavily and deciding to get dressed.

Opening your bedroom door while drying your hair with your white towel. You looked at your clock and it now read 6:53 A.M. Before exiting your room, you made sure that all your books, notebooks and homework were in your bag.

Exiting your room, you walked down stairs, bag in hand. You entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, sweetie" Your mother noticed you. You just noded in response.

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