7 | decent minds think alike

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"What the fuck?"

Galatea woke up, incredibly confused. She remembered falling asleep in Bisca's arms on top of the First Fairy Tail Building, and not in her own bed.

"How did I get here?" Galatea muttered.

The only safe way up the mountain was by portal or teleportation. She knew she hadn't made a portal, and Fairy Tail never had a teleportation mage, so how did she end up here?

Then, her nose picked up four scents that she knew all too well.

Rock candy, oranges, rusted metal, and old books.

Galatea groaned, hoping that she hadn't indirectly made them climb a mountain in the dark to bring her home. She pulled the cover, and looked down. To her luck, whoever had brought her home had only removed her corset.

Stripping out of the slightly sweaty dress, she pulled on a long sundress before opening her bedroom door and coming down the stairs.

"Please tell me you didn't climb the mountain."

The group, minus Laxus jumped at the sound of Galatea's voice. Freed and Evergreen were in the process of cooking breakfast.

"We didn't. I teleported them and Bisca here." Laxus said.

"Teleport?" Galatea questioned.

"I can travel at high speeds by turning my body into lighting." Laxus explained, "What ever is attached to me also travels at the same speed."

Galatea nodded, making it all the way down to the ground.

"Thanks for spending the night here, even if the circumstances weren't great." Galatea said, walking over to the cooking duo.

"No problem, your interior decorating is impeccable." Evergreen said, "And the beds were so comfortable."

"It's nothing." Galatea said, "Bisca let you guys in right?"

Bickslow laughed.

"What, did you think we broke into your house?" The Seith Mage asked.

Galatea deadpanned.

"No, but I was making sure." Galatea said, "The last time I had to replace a window it took forever because no one wanted to come here and repair it. Or travel by portal."

The four laughed.

"Bisca let us in and set up the rooms for us." Freed said, "If you were wondering, she also removed your corset for a better sleep."

Galatea nodded.

"Figured so." Galatea said, "I know Ever can't lace a corset for the life of her so it had to be someone outside of the Thunder Legion."

Evergreen sent Galatea a glare before giving her a quizzing look.

"How'd you know none of them would do it?" Evergreen asked, ignoring the glares being given to her by her male team members.

"Because, Bickslow's has got the shakiest hands I've ever seen in my life, Freed has enough common decency not too, and Laxus seems like the type to rather die then do that." Galatea said, "Can I offer any of you some tea?"

The other three looked at her, confused by her observations, most of which were true.

"I'll take anything tropical if you have it." Evergreen said.

Galatea nodded.


"I'm not a tea drinker."

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