After the wonderful trip to Lucern, Galatea was once again swamped with the pile of her special requests. She had spent the next two weeks powering through her requests, most of them alone though Evergreen accompanied her a few times for "girl time".
Finally, she had reached her last request, one that had come in while she was away in Lucern. It had come in a sealed envelope, with a strict message of "Only Galatea Sparklings May Open This" written in stunning cursive. The letter turned out to be a request directly from Princess Hisui herself. With no information on the actual job, Galatea decided to bring the rest of her team along, assuming that a job from the Royal Family would not be an easy job.
So, here they were. Once again in the beautiful city of Crocus, they were walking towards Mercurius. Galatea was re-reading Princess Hisui's letter, while she and Laxus walked in front of the group, hand-in-hand. He could faintly feel the markings of the magical circles on her hands, as he absentmindedly ran a thumb against the hastily carved circles. Circles she had carved into her own hands. Dismissing that, he glanced sideways at his girlfriend before looking ahead. The others were walking behind them, and the couple could hear their friends not-so-subtly arguing behind them.
"Which entrance do we need to go to?" Laxus asked.
"The letter says the East Entrance." Galatea answered. "Which is just up there."
She pointed her letter-holding hand in front of them, directly at a set of pristine gold gates a few blocks away from them. The group soon reached the gates, and were immediately approached by the Guards.
"We cannot allow you to proceed without permission." The first guard said, "State your business."
Galatea let go of Laxus's hand and present the letter to the guard. The guard took the letter, and poured over it before passing the letter back.
"Very well, continue. There will be someone waiting at the doors to guide you." The second guard said, as the Gates opened.
The group entered the Palace Gardens, and were quickly ushered to the Throne Room where Princess Hisui was waiting. The green-haired Princess smiled at the group.
"Good, you're here." Princess Hisui said, walking over to them. "I was hoping that you would understand the urgency of my letter."
"It wasn't very clear, but as soon as I got it I found it important." Galatea said, "Now, what is the contents of this job?"
"There's been trouble brewing on the Bosco-Fiore border." Princess Hisui said, "Rumours have reached the capital of a large Dark Guild seizing control of a chunk of territory along the border. I have reasons to be believe that the Guild is made up of several smaller Dark Guilds who were previously punished for their crimes."
"Is that so?"
"Yes. Due to your abilities displayed in the Grand Magic Games and during the attack on the city, I requested your help in dealing with the situation." Princess Hisui said, "Though it is much better that you brought your guild mates with you."
"I see, and what is the payment?" Galatea asked.
"I believe this should be sufficient." Princess Hisui said, handing Galatea a slip of paper. Galatea took the paper, and her eyes widened slightly, looking up at the Princess.
"Very well. Could you provide us a map and point out the territory?" Galatea said, passing the slip of paper with their payment on it back to Freed. The green-haired mage immediately gaped at the amount on the paper.
Princess Hisui nodded, and passed over a rolled up map.
"The territory is marked on the map already. Good luck, Fairy Tail."

space | fairy tail
FanfictionIn which the fifth Dragon Slayer of Fairy Tail tackles new friends, new relationship, and faces from the past. Ones she herself kept locked and hidden away, the key destroyed. But she won't be alone this time, as now she has the strongest Guild in F...