The Guild could sense something was happening. Team Natsu was quick to pick up on the strange disappearance of Gray, and grew more concerned when they were given specific orders by Makarov not to follow him. It was catching on with the rest of the Guild, so when Gray finally showed up three hours later, this time with Lyon of all people in tow, they were quick to ask questions.
"Leave it." Makarov called to the Guild, "Rest assured, we will inform you of what's going on once we have more information. For now, Lyon, follow me. Thank you Gray for bringing him."
The pale-haired Ice Mage followed the elderly man, ignoring the looks he was getting from the Fairies. Makarov led him in a corridor he had never in before, taking him up a flight of stairs. Soon afterwards, Makarov stopped in front of a thick wooden door, with a silver plaque that read 'Infirmary' on it.
"We can head inside. We're expecting three others who should be here soon, but Porylusica and Tea are inside." Makarov said, "Thank you by the way, for coming out here."
"It's no problem." Lyon said, "If it concern's Tea wellbeing it is issue to me, she is my friend after all."
Makarov nodded, pushing open the infirmary door and ushering Lyon in. He took up a seat in the corner of the room, crossing his arms over his chest and closing his eyes.
"I presume you are Lyon?" Porylusica asked, looking up at the young man.
"I am. What is that you needed to speak with me about?" Lyon asked, walking over to the cot where Galatea lay.
"Take a seat." Porylusica said, gesturing vaguely to the armchair as she flicked through a book. "I'm going to assume you know nothing, so I will start from where it began, three days ago."
Down below the infirmary, in the centre of the Guild Hall, the Thunder Legion sat somewhat anxiously. Gray and Lyon had just arrived, and now the Ice Wizard was in the Infirmary. Galatea's friends from Sabertooth had yet to arrive, but they were expecting them at any moment. Makarov had gotten a call from Sting ten minutes ago to let him know that Nari, Amber, and Luke were approaching the Sabertooth Guild and would likely be there soon.
As for the strangers on the other end of Galatea's necklace lacrima, there was no word back from them at the moment either.
Suddenly, Laxus detected a few new scents before a 'pop' sounded within the Guild. Heads turned to see three people randomly appear in the centre of the Guild hall. There was one guy and two girls, and they all looked to be in their early twenties.
Immediately, people sprung to their feet at the sight of newcomers. They were already on edge, so they had no idea who these people were, and if they were friend or foe.
"Who are you?" Natsu said, fists blaring.
"We're here for Tea. We were asked to come by her team." The man spoke, his eyes looking around the room. "I think it was Freed who talked to Master Sting..."
"That would be me." Freed said, as the Thunder Legion approached the group. "I suppose you are Luke then?"
"Yup." The man said, sticking out a hand to shake as he gave the group a goofy grin. His voice was light and friendly. "Luke Terra of Team Shadow."
Luke was tall young man, with a muscular and somewhat beefy frame. He noticeably broad shoulders and smother ivory skin. Light brown freckles littered his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, underneath his round and captivating silver eyes. He had curly pastel blue hair, and the right side was shaved. The floof of his hair was swept down and left to his face, leaving only one his eyebrows visible, and the gold piercing that sat at the tail of it. Swirling, almost wave-like white tattoos covered his right arm, extending to hide under the sleeveless white zipped jacket he wore. It was noticeably cropped, showing off most of his well-defined abs. The hood of the jacket was down at the moment, slightly obscuring the black Sabertooth guild mark on the back of it. Along with the jacket, he wore dark blue form-fitting pants that were tight to his muscular legs and brown sandals on his feet. A brown rucksack was slung across his back, the strap going across his body. On his left hand sat a rather ornate black ring with an unfamiliar rune on the white gem, pairing nicely with the grey nail polish on his fingers.

space | fairy tail
FanfictionIn which the fifth Dragon Slayer of Fairy Tail tackles new friends, new relationship, and faces from the past. Ones she herself kept locked and hidden away, the key destroyed. But she won't be alone this time, as now she has the strongest Guild in F...