26 | for the win

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"And currently in first place! Will this be the day the so-called strongest guild seven years ago comes back in full force?!" Chapati yelled to the awaiting audience. "Fairy Tail is taking the field!

Galatea grinned, walking out with the group as her skirt swished below. She had put on light purple dress today, its colour matching Erza's kimono. She had on a navy blue corset, loaded to the brim with her daggers. She also daggers strapped to her thighs, as well as two hidden in her boots. Her hair was pulled into a tight bun, courtesy of Evergreen, and she had magic-resistant gloves on.

Galatea grinned viciously at the mages across the field. While she may not be close to Lucy, she knew how important the girl was to the guild. She wasn't going to let the kingdom take Lucy away from them, so she was even more eager to win.

"Tea?!" Lyon exclaimed, being instantly reminded of her wince of pain while talking to Jura. He hadn't expected her to participate in the last day.

"It does make sense." Hibiki said, "Tea's really strong, granted by how she took on the Twin Dragons. She's probably on par with a Wizard Saint."

"She's an opponent we definitely have to watch out for..." Milliana muttered, "Who knows what power she's hiding."

"Agreed... Fairy Tail is of the utmost importance to take down."

"Show us your fighting skills! Your magic! And the bond you have with your comrades!" Chapati announced. "The final day! A survival game in which everyone participates. Let the Grand Magic Games begin!"

"And for this final battle, the battlefield is the entire city of Crocus-kabo!" Mato announced.

And so the games began, the team was instantly teleported off to a random square in Crocus, near the stature of a lion. The countdown was starting, and determination had spread through the team like wildfire.

They had to win this. For Lucy, and for the Guild. The Guild that had waited for most of them for seven long years. They wanted to make Fairy Tail proud.

"W-What's wrong?! The members of Fairy Tail have their eyes closed and aren't moving!"

Galatea smirked, focusing on the scents of all the players. She believed in Mavis's strategy, partially because she had been helping Mavis come up with strategy, giving her every bit of information of the competitors that she knew, from their weakness to their abilities.

"Battle Operation: Fairy Star!"

Galatea opened her eyes, dropping into a portal and heading for the roofs. It was her job to stay out of the way until Chelia and Lyon approached her. While she could take on Sting and Rogue no problem, and arguably take on Jura, Mavis had a different plan for her. Take out Lyon, who would not go all out against her and handle the God Slayer. They had left Laxus to take on Jura, as Mavis and Galatea had the utmost confidence in Laxus handling Jura. She had three targets, two that were more important. Cherria, Lyon, and finally Sting.

Suddenly a golden beam shot in the sky.

"How predictable." She muttered, jumping out of the way of the bolt.

She grinned as she ran across the rooftops, watching as the numbers dropped. She had to stay alert and out of the way of various players, since they had decided to appoint her the team captain. Every other team had clearly gone with their strongest wizard on the team, so it was easily predicted that they would pick Laxus or Erza as Team Captain.

She quickly made her to her designated point, finally dropping from the roof onto the street. Looking around, she waited for her opponent to appear, standing completely still.

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