The room was in an outrage. The councilmen had backed off at this point a little, as the Guild Mages seethed and attempted to figure out what was going on and what the fuck they were going to do.
Bickslow and Freed, despite their own anger, were focused on keeping Laxus from just going wild. The blonde was letting waves of electricity roll off of him clearly instinctively. Freed and Bickslow were practically holding Laxus down in a chair, watching him with fearful eyes.
Evergreen wasn't doing much better. Angry tears were running down her face and Lisanna was holding her hands to keep her from doing anything stupid. Lucy and Gray were both attempting to calm Erza down, and Happy and Wendy were doing the same to Natsu.
No one even tried with Makarov, due to the fact that his anger was coming off in rays of light magic that were suffocating to even approach. Not even Jura, his fellow Wizard Saint wanted to approach the old man.
Out of nowhere, a flash of a shadows erupted on the table in front Makarov, and a letter drifted down onto the table. Makarov took calculated strides towards the letter, picking it up and instantly recoiling.
It was written in blood. Fresh blood. So fresh it was dripping down the pages slightly.
"What does it say Makarov-dono?" Jura asked, looking over at Makarov.
The room settled for just a moment, waiting for Makarov to read out the letter. He slowly cleared his throat, about to read the letter outloud when he was abruptly cut off.
"Oh no!" Wendy suddenly yelled, eyes wide and locked on the paper in fear.
"What is it?" Happy asked, even more scared than he was before.
"That letter- it smells like Tea. And... I know that piece of her scent. It smells like her blood!" Wendy said, before breaking down into sobs.
Makarov cleared his throat once more, very much aware of the sparks of lightning coming off his grandson more intensely now. Then, he began to read out the letter.
Dearest Makarov and Friends,
For each hour you wait, I remove another one of her runes. When they're all gone, the world will crumble beneath the might of the True King and His Queen.
Yours Truly,
The King of Time
Makarov dropped the letter in anger and horror, instantly hunching over on himself. The Thunder Legion, Wendy, and Tea's former Guildmates all reacted in varying forms of anger and horror. Wendy fully turned around and vomited on the floor, while Luke held Amber as she slumped over and fainted.
"What does that mean?" Org boomed, bringing attention back to the council.
"Her runes. They are sealing runes made with Ancient Blood Magic." Freed spoke up slowly, still looking sick to the face. "Due to the nature of her magic, she has to keep a bunch of it sealed in her runes in order to prevent ripping holes in space. Her Magic is so ancient that it has a great deal of control over Space itself and by extent Spatial Magic. That is what is causing the blockage of Spatial Magic at the moment. Not to mention, she's in her Dragon Force right now which amplifies it further."

space | fairy tail
FanfictionIn which the fifth Dragon Slayer of Fairy Tail tackles new friends, new relationship, and faces from the past. Ones she herself kept locked and hidden away, the key destroyed. But she won't be alone this time, as now she has the strongest Guild in F...