10 | i hate you

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"I hate you."

Galatea laughed and wandered over to the fallen Evergreen. The two girls were sparring and Galatea had blasted Evergreen into a tree.

"Here, lets go make lunch." Galatea said, extending her hand. "Its our turn to make it anyways, and you look like you need a break."

Evergreen nodded, taking Galatea's outstretched hand to help herself up.

"What do you want for lunch?" Galatea asked.

"Ramen sounds good." Evergreen said, "Bickslow did get the instant noodles like I asked, right?"

"Possibly." Galatea said, "But I'm never sending Bickslow to get groceries alone again."

Bickslow had offered to take care of groceries the previous week, and had forgotten several things on the list as well as getting incorrect things. He also had bought plums, which was fine, but he intentionally got them for Galatea, who had asked for fruit for baking. Needless to say, she was not happy about that.

Evergreen laughed.

The two girls entered the back-door and stepped inside, removing their shoes.

"I'm gonna change." Galatea said, "I'll be out in a few minutes."

Evergreen nodded, "I'm gonna change as well, I'm awfully sweaty and that is disgusting."

The two woman parted ways, going off to change out of their sweaty clothing. A few minutes later, Galatea wandered back into the kitchen and made a bee-line to the pantry, to check if Bickslow had gotten the instant noodle packages.

To her luck, Bickslow had remembered to get the noodles. Pulling out five packages of chicken ramen, she closed the cupboard and set them down on the counter. She opened a drawer, digging through the pots, trying to find a properly sized one for lunch.

"Hey Ever." Galatea said, with her back turned to the former, who had just arrived into the kitchen.

"Hey Tea. Did Bickslow get the ramen?"

Galatea turned around, pot in hand and pointed at the packages on the counter. Evergreen however, was not looking at the ramen, instead she was staring with wide-eyes at Galatea's exposed stomach.

Galatea looked down, forgetting she had changed into a sports bra and joggers since it was incredibly hot today. Her being shirtless had exposed the lacrima that she had mentioned to Evergreen before. It was black in colour, and covered from the bottom half of her right ribcage, down to her hip, taking up a majority of her lower torso. The lacrima however, did not replace her entire mid-riff, as it stopped before her spine, shown by the fact that her back looked completely normal.

"Oh yeah." Galatea said, "This is my lacrima."

"It looks, so smooth..." Evergreen said.

"Were you expecting it to be really rocky?" Galatea said.


Galatea nodded.

"It probably would've been like that, but I specially altered it to infuse itself with my skin." Galatea said, running a hand across her lacrima. "Its specially made to be both a solid and a liquid so it doesn't hinder my movements." (A/N: non-Newtonian liquid for my science nerds)

"Why is it black?" Evergreen questioned.

"Well, these things act as my lower internal organs, so there's a lot of blood to account for." Galatea said, "It kinda just turned out this way."

Evergreen nodded, before walking over.

Galatea properly looked at Evergreen's new outfit, which consisted of a green tube top with a matching miniskirt and thin brown tights. It seemed she had also changed for the temperature.

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