52 | fuck boats

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Galatea was going to kill someone.

Scratch that, she was going to kill Laxus.

For some ungodly reason, he had decided the group was going to take a boat to get to Crete. His reasoning was that Galatea had never been and that she might've landed them somewhere else, and he couldn't travel the distance needed between the mainland and the island in his lighting body.

Very begrudgingly, Galatea had boarded the boat, and immediately regretted it. Boats and ships were the one thing she got motion sick on, and they hit her hard. Never in a million years did she ever think she'd be back on one of these death traps again, and because it was a boat, it travelled stupidly slow.

She already hated all forms of man-made transportation for being too slow, but boats were the worst since they took the longest, meaning she had to spend longer on the rocking deathtrap. It was worse than some of things she had seen a psychotic robot teddy-bear make when she had been realm-hopping. The thought of the twisted fucker sent a shiver down her spine.

Better than being turned into butter I guess...

"You good there Tea?" Bickslow asked, a teasing tone in his voice.

Galatea resisted the urge to puke over the side of the ship, weakly glaring at him and flipping him off. She was seated on the floor of the ship, back pressed against the walls and body tensed up and she tried to keep her motion sickness under wraps. Bickslow belted out some hearty laughter at her predicament.

"I fucking hate you two." Galatea said, her eyes landing on Evergreen who was laughing behind her fan. Her eyes drifted over to Laxus, who for some reason didn't look bothered by the moving ship. "And why are you fine?"

"My motion sickness is fine on boats." Laxus shrugged, the smallest of teasing in his voice. "Clearly the opposite of you."

"Correction, I hate you three." Galatea said, clamping her hand over her mouth as she suppressed another overwhelming urge to puke. "Fuck this..."

Laxus walked over, kneeling slightly to get more on Galatea's eye level. He brushed her fringe out of her eyes, chuckling to himself slightly. She glared at him weakly.

"Yeah you don't look like you're having fun right now." Laxus hummed.

"You're an ass."

Laxus jolted backwards when Galatea's clenched fist rammed into his chest, hard. It wasn't enough to leave any lasting pain or mark, but it got the point across that his girlfriend was not in the mood to play around. So, he sat up and backed away, less he anger or annoy her more.

Still, he found her predicament hilarious, and had to refrain from teasing her.

Seemingly the only one who was being of any help at the moment was Freed, who rushed over soon after Laxus stepped away. He had a container of pills in one hand, and a water canteen in the other.

"The captain gave me nausea medication. Take two, it'll kick in in about 20 minutes." Freed said, passing her the water bottle.

"Thanks." Galatea muttered.

She did as Freed said, mostly because she would take about anything to relieve herself of her constantly flipping stomach, and also because she didn't want to face the wrath of the Mother Hen of the group. Annoyed and fussy Freed was funny to see, but not to experience head on. He could nag your ear off.

"Do you know of anything that helps you manage your motion sickness?" Freed asked softly.

"No. I haven't been on a ship in ages, I only go on them when I have no other option." Galatea said, "Fuck this..."

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