When the Thunder Legion returned home from their job, the minute they stepped into Magnolia they felt something inexplicably off. Naturally, they went to the Guild first. Fairy Tail was a magnet for trouble, so there was a good chance that whatever they felt was off was tied to the Guild.
It didn't take them long to reach the Guild Hall. Wandering into the hall, their guesses were confirmed. They could practically sense the worry radiating over many in the crowd. Spotting the Master at the bar, they crossed the Hall in great strides until they stopped in front of the aging Master.
"Master. Did something happen?" Freed asked carefully.
"You four ought to know, since she is apart of your team." Makarov said, opening his eyes. His words made them all halt, their heart's dropping. "The day after you guys left, Tea and the other Dragon Slayers were discussing Tartaros and Demons, specifically, the Books of Zeref. Out of knowhere she collapsed on the ground. She's been emitting a strange green glow ever since, and her body temperture is bordering on dangerously low. Porylusica's looking after her."
The slight relief from knowing that Porylusica was looking after their friend only alleviated the pure shock and desperation by a small amount.
"Even stranger, she seems to perfectly fine, aside from the things that I mentioned. We still can't find the cause, or what is truly wrong with her. Porylusica asked you to see you four when you came back, so you can go up to the infirmary. Just try not to aggravate her, she's already in a foul mood. She doesn't like not knowing what is wrong with Tea." Makarov said, "Did the job at least go well?"
"The job was good. No damage fees if you're wondering." Laxus said.
"Good..." Makarov muttered, closing his eyes again.
"Thank you Master, we will take our leave now." Freed said.
And with that, they were off. Soon they reached the door of the infirmary, and Freed was quick to knock. A gruff and rather annoyed "Come in" came from within the stony walls of the infirmary, to which Freed calmly opened the door.
"Master mentioned that you asked to see us?" Freed asked, as they filed into the room. Their eyes instantly latched onto the familiar head of purple locks.
Makarov was right. At first glance, nothing looked wrong. Galatea's face was completely calm, and she bore no sign of pain. Granted she looked a little pale, but other than that she looked fine. Yet the barely-visible green hue around her was enough to put them off. That, and the bulky outline of several heating lacrimas placed around her body. Eerily reminiscent of when Minerva nearly killed her and they needed several cooling lacrimas around her body to keep her conscious.
"Yes. Close the door and sit down." Porylusica said. "I need to hopefully confirm some more information. I have a possible diagnosis, but I know no would like it. Perhaps it is something else, and that is what I am looking to find out."
The group comfortably gathered around the cot that contained their teammate. Freed and Bickslow sat on the cot to Galatea's left, while Evergreen sat on the small bench at the foot of the cot. Laxus took up the armchair to the right of her bed, remaining silent and calm. But his friends could tell that he was worried. His eyes were a dead give-away. He didn't often show his care, but they could pick it up from a mile away. Especially if it that care was directed towards Galatea.
"I assume it's safe to say that none of you have ever seen this happen before?" The old healer asked the group.
"We haven't seen it, nor has she mentioned anything like this happening before." Bickslow confirmed.
"She had people close to her before Fairy Tail, correct?" Porylusica said. "I talked with Bisca and she mentioned a couple people, but I need a larger information pool."

space | fairy tail
FanfictionIn which the fifth Dragon Slayer of Fairy Tail tackles new friends, new relationship, and faces from the past. Ones she herself kept locked and hidden away, the key destroyed. But she won't be alone this time, as now she has the strongest Guild in F...