Galatea sighed, double-checking her outfit to make sure everything was in place. It was the first day of the Grand Magic Games and the competition was about to start.
"Tea, there you are!" Mira called, walking up to her. "You look stunning today!"
"Thanks, Mira." Galatea smiled, "You look stunning as well."
Makarov had asked the team to all dress in a similar colour palette. Luckily for everyone, Mystogan had only ever been spotted in the same outfit, which meant that everyone just had to dress in blacks and dark blues. Mira had traded her more colourful dresses for a beautiful black one, and Laxus had ditched his iconic purple shirt for a darker muscle-tee.
Galatea had been coaxed by Bisca into dressing nicer than just a simple frock and stay or corset. She was dressed in a navy blue to black ombre silk gown with a wide skirt that billowed around her. It was off-the-shoulder, and the sleeves were tight up until the elbows, before billowing out, ending multiple centimetres after her hands. A black stay was placed over top, with a floral lace overlay and black ribbon to lace it up. Under her dress were thick black tights and a less-worn pair of her favourite boots. She had spiced up her normal half-bun, by making the bun out of braids. Cana had also forced her into wearing some light makeup, and in the mood, she put on some small crystal earrings Asuka had given her.
"Now the time has come to meet our competitors. First up, in eighth place: an old school bunch of wild wizards from Magnolia, They had lucking the prelims and now they're raring to take back first place by force. It's Fairy Tail!" Chapati announced.
Galatea bit her tongue as she heard Team A getting booed.
"Now the team that came in seventh place in the prelims. The rowdy army of hellhounds: Quatro Cerberus!" Chapati announced.
"And coming in sixth is a guild built to the drum with the fairer sex. The dancers of the Great Blue Sea: Mermaid Heel!"
"Is that the all-female guild?" Mira asked Galatea.
"In fifth place, the glimmer in the darkness. It's Blue Pegasus!"
Galatea furrowed her brows. The number of guilds that normally were the top dogs in the Grand Magic Games seemed off. Something didn't feel right.
"In fourth place, the goddess of love and strife, the sacred destroyer: Lamia Scale!"
"So there's us and Sabertooth, who the hell is third place?" Galatea questioned.
"I don't know, but something doesn't feel right." Jellal said.
"Now to introduce our third place contestant! What a shocker, swooping in from a midnight period, this dark and gloomy bunch are making their debut in this year's games. Give it up for Raven Tail!"
"Raven Tail?" Galatea asked, shocked. "They're a dark guild, what are they doing here?"
"I don't know." Laxus said, "But we all need to keep our guard up."
"Agreed." Gajeel said.
"It's our turn now!" Mira said, walking forward. "Let's go!"
Galatea fought to keep herself from laughing as she walked out behind Gajeel, finding Team A's reactions hilarious.
"Out first place runner-up is: oh wow, what a surprise! This year's competition just got a whole lot more interesting folks! It's Fairy Tail Team B!"
"Big sis?"
"And Laxus? How is that fair?"

space | fairy tail
FanfictionIn which the fifth Dragon Slayer of Fairy Tail tackles new friends, new relationship, and faces from the past. Ones she herself kept locked and hidden away, the key destroyed. But she won't be alone this time, as now she has the strongest Guild in F...