15 | to crocus we go

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"Tea. Tea. Tea. Get up Tea."

Gajeel sighed as he looked at the others in the room, giving up on trying to wake up Galatea.

When the Thunder Legion returned, Galatea and Laxus were summoned to the Master's office, where they found Makarov waiting for them. He told them to wait until the others showed up, so Galatea did the logical thing and made a beeline for the couch in the of room, immediately going back to sleep.

Soon after, Mira and Cana arrived, followed by Gajeel. Since the iron dragonslayer was standing closest to Galatea, Makarov asked him to wake up the girl. This however, was a not an easy task.

"How are we supposed to wake her up Master?" Mira asked.

"Laxus?" Makarov asked.

"Don't look at me Gramps." Laxus said.

"Weren't you training with her for the last three months?" Cana said, "You should know how to wake her up by now."

Laxus sighed, and sent a small spark of electricity directed at her forehead. This shocked Galatea, waking her up.

"...What the hell?" Galatea said.

"Couldn't you have woken her up in a nicer way?" Makarov questioned.

"Bickslow normally woke her up by scaring her awake. She has good reflexes and I didn't feel like getting hit." Laxus answered.

"All right, now that we're all conscious." Makarov said, gaining everyone's attention. "You all are members of Fairy Tail Team B. Cana, you are our reserve member."

Everyone was startled by the Master's words.

"Team B?" Mira asked.

"I don't like the idea of being Team B." Gajeel said.

"Agreed." Laxus said.

Galatea hummed in response as well.

"How about this." Makarov proposed. "If Team B beats Team A in the Games, you can do whatever you want with them for the day."

Everyone's eyes lit up at that.




"I'm in!"

Makarov chuckled.

"But Master." Galatea spoke up. "That makes only four members since Cana is the reserve member. Who's the Fifth Member?"

"Ah, well I do believe many of you are familiar with him. He's asked for my help and he will taking the place of one of our old friends during the games." Makarov said.

Galatea picked up a scent lingering outside the door, and realized it to be one she hadn't smelled in a long time.

"Come in."

The door opened and Galatea's eyes widened when her thoughts were proven correct.

"Jellal? What are you doing here?" Galatea asked, confused.

"I'm investigating something unsettling about the Games and your Master was so kind to let me investigate from the inside." Jellal explained. "Good to see you again, Tea."

"He's taking Mystogan's place then, isn't he?" Mira said, "That's smart."

"Now that you know of the plan, you all need to head to Crocus. The games start tomorrow." Makarov said, "Galatea, if you could?"

Galatea nodded.

"Everyone, you have 35 minutes to be back in front of the Guild before we leave." Galatea said, "If you're late, we're leaving you behind."

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