"Tea, get up. You have to meet with Master now."
"I'm tired." The aforementioned dragonslayer, "And it's too loud in here."
Freed looked up to the rest of their friends, who were watching the tired woman with amusement painted on their faces. It was midday now, and the group had returned to the guild barely an hour ago. To their surprise, Fairy Tail had been gifted the original Guild Hall by the Mayor of Magnolia. It was a welcome surprise to the rest of members, though Galatea was still adjusting, having never been inside the building until now. As soon as they had taken a seat at the table tucked into the corner, Galatea had placed her head in her arms and was trying to go back to sleep.
"You don't want to make Gramps mad though." Laxus said, "That man has lungs."
"So did Macao, didn't stop me." Galatea muttered.
"Tea. Get up." Laxus said, poking her arm.
"You're such a handful." Bickslow laughed.
Galatea said nothing, only lifting one of her arms to flip her friend off.
"Tea, if you don't get up, I will drag you there." Laxus said, poking her arm harder.
A jumble of incoherent mumbles came from Galatea, that sounded somewhat like a string of curses and 'don't touch me' which made Laxus chuckle.
"Alright, you asked for it."
Before Galatea could comprehend what he said, she was lifted out of her seat, and found herself being stuck in bridal hold in Laxus's arms. She looked up at the blonde, very grumpy.
"Put me down Laxus."
"I'll put you down when you stop being so stubborn and just go to the Master's office like Gramps asked."
"I don't wanna go."
"Mmm, your choice then."
Galatea found herself being carried up the stairs to the Master's office. She scowled at Laxus's face, though she was finding a hard time staying mad at him. Though she was still mad at him for carrying her upstairs, because it made her feel like a child. One of the many things she hated was being babied, and being carried places she could easily walk rubbed her the wrong way.
"Glaring at my jawline isn't going to make me put you down, Tea." Laxus said, not even looking at the grumpy girl.
Galatea huffed as they neared the Master's Office door. Laxus stopped in front of the door, and semi-gently set Galatea down on her feet. She contemplated hopping into a portal and run away, but Laxus caught onto to what she was thinking.
"Tea, you are going inside and not running away." Laxus said, crossing his arms.
Galatea pouted, before giving in and knocking on the door.
"Come on in!" Makarov called.
Galatea hesitated, really just wanting to return to her nap. She was thwarted once more when Laxus opened the door and pushed her inside, closing the door shut before she could even protest.
Makarov looked up at her with a mischievous grin on his face.
"There you are. I see my grandson had to carry you up here." Makarov said, "I'm glad you two are getting along."
"Sorry, Master. I was napping and didn't want to leave my nap right away." Galatea said, walking over and taking a seat. "What was it that you needed to see me about?"

space | fairy tail
FanficIn which the fifth Dragon Slayer of Fairy Tail tackles new friends, new relationship, and faces from the past. Ones she herself kept locked and hidden away, the key destroyed. But she won't be alone this time, as now she has the strongest Guild in F...