13 | one week countdown

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"Ugh, that's gross."

Galatea grinned as she bandaged Bickslow's ankle. Bickslow and Evergreen had been sparring, and Bickslow had been hit by one of the needles from Evergreen's Fairy Machine Gun: Leprechaun.

"Stop being a baby, its just a little blood."

Bickslow made a disgusted face.

"My ankle is covered in blood, woman." He whined.

"You are not covered in blood, stop being so dramatic."

Galatea finished wrapping up Bickslow's ankle, and patted it slightly.

"Put your shoe on, and stop being such a baby."

She got up, and brushed her skirt off. Looking over at the others, who were resting and taking a break. She walked over to Freed, who was looking at a piece of paper with the match-ups listed on it.

"Which match-up is next?" She asked, peering over at the paper.

"Well, I would've done Laxus vs. Bickslow but he's injured."

"He's not injured, he's just being a wimp."

"Well, he isn't gonna fight right now so I'm gonna pick a new mash-up." Freed corrected her, "Are you ready to fight?"

Galatea nodded.

"Okay, would you be prepared to fight Laxus?" Freed asked.

Galatea looked over at her fellow dragonslayer, who was sitting up against a tree.

"If he gets up, yeah." Galatea said. "OI LAXUS!"

The blonde looked over at Galatea.

"What?" Laxus said.

"You ready to fight? We're up!" Galatea said.

Laxus nodded, and got up.

"Okay, you have 15 minutes to knock the other one out." Freed explained, pulling out a stopwatch. "Ready?"

Galatea nodded taking a few more steps closer to Laxus, taking a few breaths.


Galatea felt the air brush her face and she took a breath.

"Lighting Dragon Roar!" Laxus yelled.

Galatea jumped out of way, disappearing through a portal and dropping next to Laxus, planting a punch on Laxus's stomach. He groaned and was pushed back slightly.

"Lighting Dragon's Iron Fist!" Laxus said, punting Galatea back several feet due to punch to the shoulder.

Galatea groaned, rubbing her shoulder slightly. Raising her hands above her head, she yelled out.

"Spatial Dragon Heavenly Shower!"

Hundreds of falling stars from the sky and pelted the ground around them.

"God, what is this?" Laxus yelled, transforming his body into lighting to dodge all of the stars. "This is worse than Ever's needles."

"Its a shower of falling stars!" Galatea yelled, slinking herself through the stars to get closer to Laxus.

One of the stars blasted Laxus's chest and he staggered to the right side. Galatea portaled herself closer and landed a kick on his right leg, sending him flying.

Laxus swung his arm down, sending a blast of lighting as he flew backwards. Galatea grunted as she was blasted in the arm. Laxus caught himself before he fell, and rocketed himself forward towards Galatea. He swung his leg out, but Galatea dodged it.

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