The Magic Council Headquarters were an absolute fucking mess. Along with the normal occupants of the building, the former Allied Forces with more members then last time, plus a delegation from Sabertooth were in the building, all heading towards a chamber together. Workers were standing in doorways, keeping themselves from being squished by the large crowd.
At the front of the crowd was the Makarov, Bob, and Jura, flanked by the Thunder Legion who were reasonably tense and pissed. Large dark oak doors swung open as they approached, and then they entered the Councilmen's Chamber.
"Members of the Former Alliance and Sabertooth, welcome. Thank you for getting so soon." Org said, though his face held no warmth.
"It is a pressing matter." Makarov answered seriously.
"Take a seat." One of the Council workers told the mages, gesturing towards the middle of the room.
The normal long rectangular table was replaced by five rectangular tables with their edges pressed together to make a pentagon. The Councilmen all sat at one table together, at the only flat side. The Guild Masters, Jura, and the Thunder Legion were quick to take their seats while the others hesitated a bit.
"So. Makarov has informed that us that three days ago, while the Team Thunder Legion was on a mission on the island of Crete, they were attacked by a man who called himself the King of Time, the very name of one of our most wanted criminals. They were restrained by unnaturally strong shadows and any attacks that one of your members made seemed to be reversed. At the end, Fairy Tail Mage Galatea Sparklings was abducted by the King of Time and was taken somewhere unknown as the rest of you were knocked unconscious." One of the councilmen read off from their report. "Is that true."
"Yes." Makarov confirmed.
"And have you been able to locate, track, or contact Ms. Sparklings?" Another asked.
"No. Not even card divination could track her down. None of the dragon slayers have been able to locate her by scent either. And even her magic trail has gone stale." Jura stated.
"Is there a chance that she's already dead?" Another councilmen asked.
"No. We would've known if she was dead." Laxus cut in. "A person's scent and magic become one and send up essentially a single flare when they die. We would've known already if she was dead."
"So you all are completely clueless to her location?" A councilmen asked. All of the mages nodded. "This is fut-"
The councilmen's voice was cut off when a loud explosion rattled the building slightly. Heads whipped around to find the source, only for their eyes to fall towards the balcony of the building. Councilmen and mages jumped from their seats and rushed towards the balcony, desperate to figure out the source of the noise.
Jaws dropped as they gazed at the massive lavender beam shooting up into the sky, and the sheer magic pressure coming off from it. It glowed like a giant glow stick in the sky, darkening the afternoon sky with its sheer brilliance. A few people stepped back at the magical force emanating from the beam.
"Holy shit... what is that?" Gray gawked.
"Magic clearly." Lyon smugly said.
"Oh shut up."
The mages began to murmur amongst themselves, bouncing around ideas as to what the source could be. Suddenly, a sharp cry came from the group.
Heads whipped around to see Lucy and Yukino both in a very frantic state, holding their keys tightly.
"What's wrong Lucy and Yukino?" Natsu asked.
"Our spirits! They won't summon. I tried calling on Grandpa Crux to help identify the beam of magic, but he won't come. None of our spirits will!" Lucy frantically explained.

space | fairy tail
FanfictionIn which the fifth Dragon Slayer of Fairy Tail tackles new friends, new relationship, and faces from the past. Ones she herself kept locked and hidden away, the key destroyed. But she won't be alone this time, as now she has the strongest Guild in F...