HW Pt 2

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Webby smiled at them. "Will you come have a tea party with me?"

"I don't know, it seems kind of girly," Huey said. Louie elbowed him for being rude.

"How do you live here?" Louie wondered.

"Well, I moved in a long time ago, but it's been so long I don't remember why. How about you?" she asked.

"We're Feathry's cousins," Louie said bluntly.

"So you'll stay here a while? Yay! That means more people to play with!" she cheered.

"Play? We've never really... played before," Dewey said.

Webby tilted her head. "What?" She shook it off. "I know something fun we can do! Dress up!"

Huey crosses his arms. "You are not making me wear a dress," he grumbled. Louie elbowed him again. "Quit hurting me!" Huey said, glaring at his brother.

"Then quit being rude," Louie said.

Webby giggled. "Don't worry, not dresses, at least not for you boys. You can be the knights in shining armor and I'll be the princess. I think we have some armor in the garage." She led the boys out of her room.

Dewey raised an eyebrow. "Like, real armor? With swords? Are you sure that's safe?"

They all ignored his question and kept walking. They passed by Feathry's office again, Louie falling behind. His cousin was still on the phone. Louie waited a second to here the conversation.

"Listen Don, you really have to take better care of yourself." Louie flinched. Donald. He resented that man along with his mother. He rolled his eyes and started walking again. He could still hear a bit of Feathry's discussion. "First Webby and now the boys. How come everyone just assumes I'll take your kids when you screw them up?"

Louie stopped, his expression becoming annoyed. He and his brothers were a lot of things, but they weren't screw ups. It was everyone else in their lives that had screwed up. He clenched his hands into fists, before letting it go and continuing after his brothers.


After hanging up with Donald, Feathry sighed. "I hate even being related to that jerk!" he said to the air. Donald has used his one phone call for Feathry, suspecting that maybe Louie had taken them there. And he didn't sound to happy about it either.

Feathry did feel bad for the kids, honestly. But he never signed up to raise them. Any of them. Even Webby. Beakly had pawned her off on him a few years ago.

Feathry bit down on his beak. His cousin ending up in jail would not do good for his image. Sure, he had taken in the boys, but it might seem to the media that he just felt obligated to since they were his kin. He stroked his chin thoughtfully. What he needed was some other way to show his "benevolence".

His eyes wandered to the morning paper. Strange weather patterns on the Drake Barrier Reef. If Feathry remembered correctly, his Uncle Scrooge had told him stories about the Drake Barrier Reef. When the tides parted, it made way to Atlantis, where a gem with a clean power source could be found. That may be just the thing to put him back on top as Duckburg's most popular duck.

Bradford stepped into his office. "Master Feathry? Those kids are wandering around and I'm just worried that if Launchpad sees them-"

"Bradford, do you know anything about Atlantis?" Feathry interrupted.

The question took Bradford off guard. "I- I guess. The lost city under the sea," he said.

Feathry walked to his desk and picked up the paper. "It also has an unlimited power source and if I found it, the media would definitely go nuts about what a noble person I am," he said, scanning over the article with his eyes.

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